You're 10% Big Bang: get over it!
If you are Vitan, you might start the day by acknowledging that you are 10% Big Bang and 90% Star (see Science Asylum video, below).
This is not just a scientific principal but an article of spiritual belief advanced by Vita Sapien Organization (ViSO).
You see, Vitans accept that science and spirituality can happily coexist, and rightly ought to.
ViSO teaches that the fundamental cause of the climate & ecological crisis is that most people in the world hold unsustainable beliefs.
You see, beliefs beget behaviour, and behaviour manifests into the real-world through actions and inactions.
So ViSO advances Vita Worldview, a suite of beliefs that offer humanity the best chance to survive the Anthropocene - the modern era in which humans are the main driver of change in the climate and environment.
Indeed, the widespread uptake of Vita Worldview could change the trajectory of human civilization away from the abyss and toward the Verdant Age, the potential future time when humans and the biosphere thrive in synergy deep into the Long Future.
If you have a spiritual bond with nature, frame your view of the world with science, and are in action to make things better, then you are a Vitan.
The question is whether you are a Vitan who has read Vita Worldview and joined the new spiritual movement to keep our living planet intact.
Read Vita Worldview today, and watch the 1-Hour training module.
If you want to support Vita Sapien's work, visit the shop, or get in touch.
Science Asylum on the origins of elements