Your Yearly Warning

Your Yearly Warning

Hey there, happy Friday. I hope you’re having a great week, and hopefully wherever you are you've managed to escape from the cold as we start to see some more & more sun.

I was doing some thinking this week, and even more importantly than that I was doing some planning, mapping out this next month we have coming up ahead of us, and before I knew it I was practically three months ahead. 

Yup you read that right, I had jumped almost an entire quarter just thinking about and going over the things I have coming up. 

It was almost overwhelming how quick the entire first half of the year went when I was planning thing ‘six weeks out’ and ‘eight weeks from now’.

And then it hit me.

The same thing happens during the year.

We’re thinking about deadlines and events and meetings we have next week and two weeks from now, and next month. We’re always looking ahead, and then before we know it weeks and months have gone by.

So what is the point of any of this? The reason that I’m talking about the busy schedules we all have?

Well, in short, when we’re looking back at where all the time this year has gone and we’re counting down the last quarter, or even the last month of the year - don’t be surprised and caught off guard.

Let this serve as your warning: the time is going to fly.

When the time flies and we’re approaching the end of 2021, don’t be the person sitting there wondering “What happened?” 

The work you put in every day towards improving your team and your culture, that’s all going to pay off and at the end of the year instead of thinking “man this year fly by, I wish I had done more.’

You’ll be the person who is thankful that they put the work in.

You can’t be frustrated, upset, or even disappointed with the results you get, if you didn’t put in the work.

So put in the work, and make sure that when we’re reading over my final piece for 2021 many months from now, you’re one of the people who found the time to put in the work, and are reaping the rewards.

I hope you've had a great start to March this week, and have a great weekend ahead.

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