Your Year in Review: Out With the Old, In With the New?

Your Year in Review: Out With the Old, In With the New?

As the year comes to an end, did you...

  • Achieve the feeling of satisfaction in your work?
  • Obtain the promotion you were gunning for?
  • Become the kind of leader you aspired to become?

Most people who follow my work have high aspirations. They start each new year off thinking; this year will be different. I'm going to do _________ (you fill in the blank).

Come February, they've reverted to their old patterns. Sound familiar?

If you want to make a change in your life, then you must do something different to achieve different results. Otherwise, you're just spinning your wheels.

We have more in common than you might think. I have goals and dreams that I'm going to achieve in the New Year. However, here's where we may differ.

For the past ten years, I've invested in a coach who tells me what I need to hear, which isn't necessarily what I may want to hear. He pushes me to be a better version of myself.

Here's an example. I was recently asked by my current publisher to create a book proposal for a new book they were looking to publish. My first thought was to say no, as the book that I had just written, Evergreen Talent, has not even been released yet.

I turned to my coach and asked him what I should do. He said, "Write the damn proposal." So, I did. Believe me, when I tell you that my life would have been a lot less stressful had I just said no to my publisher. But then I would not be well-positioned to achieve one of the goals that I've set for myself for the year 2020.

Take a few moments and think about what you'd like to achieve over the next year. Feeling optimistic? Or are you feeling stuck? Can you do this by yourself? If the answer is yes, then get started today. If the answer is no or I'm not sure, then get help.

If you want your New Year to be different than this year, then do something different!

Here's to a great 2020!

? Matuson Consulting, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Special Holiday Offer: Book my coaching services by December 31, 2019, and I'll gift you with an extra month of coaching. Interested? Email me at [email protected]. This offer is also available for organizations looking for an executive coach for a valued employee.



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Nice pic????



