Your work matters!
Why? Well..
- You spend 70–80% of the time you are awake working or travelling to and from your work
- If you spend so much of life doing something, you better love doing it
- If you love doing something, you want to do it right
- If your passionate about something, you want to make it god damn pixel perfect and improve it every day
- Love and passion for your work will make you happy
- If you are happy, you will make your friends and family happy. Thats an amazing life
- If you do not feel this way about your work, find something which makes you feel this way. Its 80% of your life. Anything else is not worth it and will make you unhappy.
- If you are unhappy, you will make your family and friends unhappy. Thats a vicious poisonous cycle
- You will never be the best at something you do not love doing
- You are special. Do not waste your time living someone else’s life.
- Aim to be the best. Period. All it takes is hard work, determination and a half decent IQ. We all have these ingredients
- Your colleagues matter. You are likely to become like them
- Your manager matters. He/She should inspire and guide you to better your skills
- Work is personal. After the amount of time you invest in it, anything else is a lie. Its just the way humans work. It is impossible to put so much of your time and effort into something without it becoming a part of you
- Your work is your reflection. Your friends and family know where you work. Its a tattoo you have on yourself. Everyone sees it
- Go out there and kill it! Find your calling to happiness. No compromises