Is Your Work Life Running You? – Want To Know What To Do, Without Making a Dumb Decision?

Is Your Work Life Running You? – Want To Know What To Do, Without Making a Dumb Decision?

This is such a big subject and so complex, on the other had it is also the easiest and simplest. This post is going to be about the simple and effective perspective. If you want to read long theories and research on it then this may not be for you. If you want to make simple changes to your life that are going to make the difference then read on!

The basic truth is that we need to do for ourselves what we do for our work, our business, and everything else.… yes that’s it …purposely do what is needed.

We purposefully do what is needed at work to achieve the outcomes set or keep the team happy, as parents we do what is needed to keep the children happy, we do what is needed to have a beautiful relationship. Then after all that there is only time for bed and then to start over again. We then tend to blame work for being the thing that’s taking us away from what we want to be doing. This maybe absolutely right but then if this is the first assumption people tend to jump from job to job, hoping the grass is going to be greener and it never actually is.

Its not everyone else’s fault, its yours! If you don’t take control of your life then the situation will and in the future you may not like the path it went down.

I’ve spoken before about your own guidance system and how if you are “off course” by a little bit and feel a certain level of discomfort, over time this only gets worse till the point of where its now impacting your relationship, your health, your work etc.

The simple fact is that all you need to do is to “wake up and smell the coffee” and look after yourself. You need to empower yourself to make more conscious decisions about what you do on a daily basis to make sure that these things are in alignment with your TRUE SELF.

Ok so maybe now this is sounding a little bit more complex so lets look at it this way. Each of us is made of important “Areas of Our Life’s” (AOL’S). This could be health, wealth, family, adventure, arts, sport, career etc. From here it’s a simple 5-stage process.

1. What AOL”s are important to me

2. For each AOL what is the measure of success for me?

3. Where currently am I with each AOL?

4. What do I need to do to move me from my current situation to my future desired state

5. Review the action list, and implement as per my top 10 tips for effective implementation!

What you will notice really quickly is there are a whole load of AOL’s that are already in balance and there is nothing to do. What you will also notice is that a few might be out of balance and it’s these that need the concentrated effort. Its not about making rash decisions but looking holistically to see that there is probably a much better decision that could be made to get yourself in alignment with every part of your life.

What I see so many people do is react to one part of their life and make a decision that then impacts every area of their life that was previously in balance.

For example: A person changes jobs because the work wasn’t interesting but then finding themselves travelling loads being away from their family which causes more problems. They then get a job close to home that doesn’t pay enough so have the time with the family but don’t have the money to do what they need…. They keep going on and on without actually sitting down to understand what true prosperity is for them This is the first stage necessary to be able to make more conscious decisions to get the balance that’s right for you.

In summary if you are out of balance then the first hard fact to admit is that the only person to blame is yourself. Now you can spend the time to decide for yourself what success and balance looks like and start to make the changes needed to live the life you want.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this?

If you’d like to share perspectives or discuss how it relates to your business, call me on (0409) 538-690 or email me at [email protected].




