Your Word Choices Matter
Kirk Heiner
Thought Leader, Sales Trainer & Success Coach to the Kitchen & Bath, Remodeling and Home Improvement Industries
Rudyard Kipling once said, “Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. They can inspire peak emotions. They can also trigger behavior and work for and against our goals."
Yes your words matter. They are creating the results you are currently getting. They affect your income and your relationships. But are your words getting better or staying stagnant?
The words we choose to use, can and do have a huge impact on our results. Changing our choice of words ever so slightly can mean getting more of what we want, being seen as more credible and even making more money.
You may be thinking, “My word choices are fine”. But are they really?
Here’s the hard truth. Unless people regularly tell you, "You are a great communicator", odds are, you’re probably average. And average means, you're getting mediocre results.
The words you use can make you look less than competent, or like the brightest one in the room. There are phrases you can use that can immediately boost your credibility and perceived intellect.
If you are open to making a few simple, but meaningful changes in your word choices, you can get better get those career advances and enjoy better relationships.
Mark Twain once said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. Tis the difference between lightning bug and lightning.”
One Fast Food restaurant chain is training their team members to replace the commonly used phrase “No Problem” with “My Pleasure”. This has a powerful impact on how people feel when visiting the restaurant. Here’s the reason why.
The brain can NOT grasp the concept of a lack of something. In other words, if I were to say “No Elephants” you can’t imagine the absence of elephants. You brain can only envision elephants. So when you say “No problem” the only thing people's brains can receive in the subconscious is a PROBLEM.
Specific words and phrases are proven to help you build better rapport, boost sales and gain buy-in from others. If you want more out of life, consider changing just a few of the words you are currently using to a better alternative.
So what are some of the simple words and phrases you can begin using everyday that will make your life go better starting today?
WORDS to Use Instead:
Instead of “But” use the word “And”.
Instead of saying “Speaking with” say “Talking with” Here’s why.
The term speaking implies a one-way communication. Imagine a public speaker giving a speech. The term "talking with" implies a two-way conversation. It's received as positive.
In sales, use the phrase “Decision making process” not “Decision Maker”. People are more open to talking about their process of making decisions, not a person.
Don’t say “No problem.” Instead say, “Happy to help.” or "My Pleasure."
This may be the most powerful word you can use: It's the word Because. Here’s why.
Because gives the reason why behind your statement. Here's an example.
"People prefer this product because...” then give the reason. Giving people reasons to your views validates why you recommend the direction you do. Most sales people fail to weave in reasoning behind their recommendations. It absolutely works.
The word “Imagine” is a great opening to a sentence. As opposed to “Let me tell you…”. When you ask people to imagine a situation, they can’t help but follow you along that imaginary journey. Telling them gives the feeling they are in a classroom.
“Let’s” is a very compelling word. It implies unity and coming together for a common cause. It creates rapport and builds trust. It's a great persuader.
Greg Woodley at says, “Always put adverbs before verbs, and adjectives before the noun”.
Here’s an example from Greg. “Once you begin to easily absorb this information, you’ll naturally discover the unlimited potential it has for readily making your communication infinitely more effective.
Perhaps this sentence is a bit over-the-top, but you get the idea.
Here’s one more example.
“Our products will help you to rapidly and effectively accomplish your goals."
Taking the time to craft your words to gain greater impact with your clients and get better results will pay off in all of your endeavors.
So here’s the takeaway.
Improve your performance by paying attention to the words you use.
Looking smarter, sounding credible and creating clarity may be the simplest path to a better future.
Here’s to Your Success!
If you want to take your sales team to the next level, consider holding a dynamic One Day Sales Training event for your sales staff.
Kirk Heiner has over 35 years experience in the Kitchen & Bath and Home Construction Industries. He’s taught seminars for the NKBA, Lowe’s, Ferguson Plumbing, Danze, Stock Building Supply, Trend Group and over 1,000 kitchen and bath dealers and showrooms. He can be reached at [email protected]
Coaching Kitchen and Bath Designers on Sales and Presentation Methods to Gain Trust and Sell more.
6 年Excellent points!