Your Why > Your Motivation
Tim Ulbrich, PharmD
Co-Founder/CEO @ Your Financial Pharmacist | Personal Finance | Keynote Speaker | Podcaster
“Every one of us has a WHY, a deep-seated purpose, cause or belief that is the source of our passion and inspiration.” –Simon Sinek, author of Find Your Why
I’ve come to appreciate that my WHY must be greater than my motivation.
My motivation can wax and wane.?
But my WHY serves as my anchor…allowing me to rise above how I feel.?
Challenging days and seasons are to be expected…but getting stuck and being a prisoner to my level of motivation is not an option.?
So if you’re feeling stuck, examine your WHY.
Is it compelling enough to move you even when you aren’t feeling motivated?
As a husband, my WHY is to support and encourage Jess in her journey to discover and embrace her true self created in the image of God and the gifts she has been given.
As a father, my WHY is to walk alongside Jess in raising our four boys to be men of character, to identify and embrace their unique gifts, and to serve others.
As a business owner, my WHY behind the work at Your Financial Pharmacist is to transform the financial well-being of pharmacists so that they can approach their work with the confidence it deserves, live without underlying financial stress, and be in a position to give.
Do I bring this passion and mindset every day?
I wish.
But when I’m feeling stuck or lacking motivation, I remind myself of these truths.?
I need to hear them every day.
These truths are the compass that guides me and reminds me of the potential of following my WHY and not my motivation.?