Your Weekly Slice of The Cheese Professor
This week we enjoyed reading contributor Christine Clark’s piece on cheese terroir in Wine Enthusiast magazine. We also read about the cancellation of even more cheese competitions. Will competitions move online? Only time will tell, but we were excited to see the announcement of the cheese finalists of the 2021 Good Food awards. The artisan American cheeses were judged virtually back in September.
Next week we have an obituary for a master cheesemaker, Jimmy Coogan who many will know from his time behind the counter at places including Fairway Market and Eli’s Market. On Wednesday we’ll share the story of three college cheeses. What exactly are college cheeses? Don’t worry, we will tell you everything you need to know.
The Hot List:
- Prepare a pumpkin cheesecake courtesy of Janet Fletcher and Cenk S?nmezsoy
- Discover why cheese smells
- Learn about the border cheese wall
7 Terrific Ways to Upgrade your Fall Cheese Pairings
By Amy Sherman on Nov 13, 2020 09:00 am
Seven ingredients to pair with cheese this fall and upgrades from the usual versions.
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