Your weekly re/insurance round-up, ending February 17th 2023

Your weekly re/insurance round-up, ending February 17th 2023

Swiss Re has reported?a dip in net income to $472mamid economic inflation and large nat cat losses.

Other firms to report results this week included?QBE,?Arch,?IAG,?Allianz,?Tokio Marine?and?MS Amlin.

AIG also posted its?strongest ever underwriting profitand?increased its reinsurance spend less than 10%.

And UPC is set to?exhaust its reinsurance cover?after upping its estimated Hurricane Ian loss to $1.5bn.

In other developments, RiverStone International has secured?a $305m reinsurance layer?for Lloyd's deals including?a loss portfolio transfer?with MS Amlin.

RGA and RenRe have announced plans to?wind down life and annuity reinsurer Langhorne Re.

And Enstar has entered into a?$1.9bn ground-up loss portfolio transfer?with QBE.

Further news about the earthquakes in Turkey also emerged, with KCC putting?insured losses at $2.4bn.

Leaders at Türk Reasürans say?some claims were paid within 24 hours, but analysts at Verisk believe just?5% of the overall economic cost will be insured.

We’ll continue to update you with more coverage on the major developments from this week, while also keeping up with the regular news coming out of the re/insurance industry.

We hope all our readers stay safe and well this weekend!


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