Your Weekly Bulletproof Brief
Shawn Rhodes
Sales And Growth Excellence | Top-Rated Communicator | Success In Challenging Environments
Don't Get Stopped By New Objections
If you’ve been in sales long enough, then you’ve been stopped cold by a prospect.?
We've all been there before, struggling to get any words out to try and rekindle the sale. It's a struggle every salesperson faces in their career but there are a few ways to make sure it never happens again. Most salespeople hope they remember what they learned or want to try differently next time, but the very best salespeople systemize what they learn into their sales process so they don’t have to remember it at all.
It's all in this week's newsletter!?
Let's Make Selling Bulletproof-
Featured Livestream
Troy is the National Sales Manager of Cyclone Diamond Products an has spent 18 years in sales, 7 as a sales manager. Looking forward to chatting about how his salespeople have been adjusting their pipeline performance in 2021!
Featured Article
Systemizing Customers Selling For You
by Shawn Rhodes, Author Of Bulletproof Selling
We know it’s easier to convert an existing customer than it is to develop a new one – but limiting ourselves to only selling to current cuctomers limits the impact and income we can make.
What if we could turn our existing customers into a source of intelligence for how to better convert new prospects? How do we turn them into a sales asset that we can leverage on folks who are on the fence about doing business with us?
That’s what?we sat down with Ross Trampler,?VP of Sales for Teslio, to learn. He’s a former Army officer and practitioner of sales systems. He understands that our current clients can often be the best source of up to date dales intelligence that, properly leveraged, can help us convert new prospects much more efficiently.
Featured Podcast
Never Get Stopped Cold By A Prospect Again
When we interviewed Troy Steele, we learned that the best salespeople don’t have a terrible conversation with a prospect and keep it to themselves. Instead, they share what they heard with their team so that everyone can benefit and improve. In this week’s episode, we walk through why it’s important to track new questions we hear and what to do about them.
This Week's Bulletproof Backlink
If you do the wrong thing repeatedly, you’ll keep losing sales. So take the top-most problem, figure out who's doing it well, and start building that so that you can begin to consistently implement that new thing that you've learned. Test it to see if it works and if it does, make it even better.
?- Shawn Rhodes on Summit Scale Podcast with Shane Spiers
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Public Risk Management Association
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San Antonio, TX
June 6, 2022
U.S. Travel Association
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Grand Rapids, MI?
August 8, 2022
Textile Rental Services Association
Annual Conference
Nashville, TN
September 15, 2022
Western Bankers Association
Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
September 19, 2022