Your Weekly Bulletproof Brief
Shawn Rhodes
Sales And Growth Excellence | Top-Rated Communicator | Success In Challenging Environments
Use The Power Of Neuroscience To Close More Sales
Too many salespeople hope their questions will be witty and insightful enough to get?the next prospect’s talking and sharing their challenges.
Unfortunately, for salespeople, that isn't reality. Most prospects don't want to waste their time discussing challenges they're facing without gaining anything. The salespeople who bring basic psychology to the table and come prepared with unique solutions will get the connection and the sale.
It's all in this week's newsletter!?
?Let's Make Selling Bulletproof-
Featured Livestream
Moeed has been in B2B sales for 20 years working with both small and large multinationals. He is the founder of Proverbial Door and is also a fractional Commercial leader for a few companies as well as a commercial advisor to several CEOs of start-ups and scale-ups across the world.. What makes Moeed unique is his background in Neuroscience. Moeed believes that the neuroscience and psychology of the buyers and teams we interact with are underrepresented, yet it is the most powerful path towards incredible success in sales. Moeed is therefore on a mission to elevate the trust status of sales amongst the buying community.
Featured Article
Saving The Sale With Bad News
by Shawn Rhodes, Author Of Bulletproof Selling
Great salespeople are solution providers, but even the best salespeople eventually have to deliver bad news to a prospect or client – delivery delays, supply chain issues, incorrect orders – and what happens when it’s time to deliver bad news can make or break the relationship.
If we’re not solution providers even when things go wrong, we shouldn’t be trusted to provide solutions when everything is going right.
A sales leader whose industry has been hit hard by supply chain issues during COVID is Ingo Heiland.?To ensure his salespeople maintained their relationships even when delivering bad news, he had to ensure they had an efficient way to communicate supply chain delays to prospects.
Featured Podcast
What To Do When Delivering Bad News
Stay in sales long enough, and you’ll have to deliver bad news to a prospect. It’s what happens next that makes or breaks the relationship – and the sale. How to deliver bad news and still close the sale is exactly?what we discussed with Ingo Heiland?on this episode of Bulletproof Selling!
This Week's Bulletproof Backlink
I want to learn from every sale that I close or don't close and shift how I'm selling to make sure that I'm staying ahead of my competition. You know what our competitors are not doing, John? improving after every call. They're hoping they remember what happened last time that worked well.
-Shawn Rhodes On The Perfect Pitch Podcast With John Livesay
Upcoming Livestream Interviews?
George Hamilton
Wednesday, June 15th at 10:00am EST
George Hamilton is The Senior Director of Network Development at Flexe,?a start up in the supply chain space and based in Seattle WA.?George currently resides in Austin, TX with a background consisting largely of military service and supply chain sales predominately in leadership roles. In his career, George has managed teams ranging from 2 to 250 people.?
Upcoming Speaking Events
John Deere
PCE Specialist Summit
Moline, Illinois
June 1-2, 2022
Public Risk Management Association
Annual Conference
San Antonio, TX
June 6, 2022
Brandt Tractor Company
Sales Conference
Regina, Saskatchewan, June 9-12, 2022
U.S. Travel Association
Annual Conference
Grand Rapids, MI?
August 8, 2022
Textile Rental Services Association
Annual Conference
Nashville, TN
September 15, 2022
Western Bankers Association
Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
September 19, 2022