Your Weekly Bulletin – November 7, 2024
Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA)
Canada's Voice for Business Aviation
Guidelines for Aircraft Ground Icing Operations, Edition?9
Transport Canada has advised that?TP 14052 -?Guidelines for Aircraft Ground Icing Operations, Edition?9,?has been published. To stay informed about any future changes to the HOT Guidelines, you may also subscribe to or update your e-news subscription at:?
Information for Holders of U.S. Certificates, Ratings or Authorizations
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) now requires individuals with foreign addresses and no U.S. physical address of record to designate a U.S. agent for service of FAA documents. This agent will receive FAA documents on the certificate holder or applicant’s behalf. This requirement affects about 115,000 individuals living outside the U.S. and will reduce the FAA’s costs associated with foreign service of process. Compliance dates are Jan. 6, 2025 for applicants for any certificate, rating or authorization, and July 7, 2025 for holders of any certificate, rating or authorization. Read more here.
Transport Canada Update: Flight Duty Time and Fatigue Management
In March 2024, we shared Transport Canada’s (TC’s)?Preliminary Issue and Consultation Assessment (PICA)?regarding flight duty time and fatigue management. The objective of the PICA was to gather information, feedback, and proposed solutions from stakeholders that will inform upcoming consultations.
TC has now reviewed the feedback received and has published a What We Heard report. In the report, TC states it received 119 submissions, the bulk of which came from 703 and 704 operators, including a significant CBAA contribution. (The association thanks member operators who provided feedback on this important initiative.)
In the report, the incompatibility of the current Fatigue Risk Management System program with smaller on-demand operations is confirmed, while also offering solutions and examples of areas within the prescriptive regulations that were causing the most issues. The submissions covered a wide range of topics and specifics. Overall, there was a consensus that the regulations are too complex. Many operators, particularly smaller operators, asked for simplicity, as well as for clarity and improvement on a number of definitions, interpretations and specific requirements in regulatory provisions.
TC plans to hold themed focus groups with operators, pilots and labour groups. The CBAA will participate in these focus group and seek participation from interested member operators.
November Government & Regulatory Affairs Update
Don’t miss this handy synopsis of the top regulatory issues facing Canadian business aviation! Every month, CBAA rounds up our top advocacy initiatives and need-to-know member news bites. Read the November issue here.
EU Entry/Exit System Update – Postponed
As a reminder, the?Entry/Exit System?(EES) is an automated IT system for registering non-EU nationals travelling for a short stay, each time they cross the external borders of any of the following European countries using the system. As such, operators wishing to enter Europe after full implementation of EES will need to be registered and use the system.
Implementation Update – Nov. 5, 2024
For any questions, please find the new edition of the FAQs published at Frequently Asked Questions.
CBAA Member Feedback Survey Results
The results of our recent membership survey have been tabulated and we’ve prepared a synopsis for you. See our key findings here. To everyone who took time to share their feedback – thank you! Your comments will help us tailor our services to serve you better.
?Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-012
Transport Canada has published NPA 2024-012?to?consult the aviation industry on a proposed standard for air traffic control (ATC) unit staffing and air traffic flow management. The new standard is being proposed to provide a clear framework on the implementation of air traffic flow management and assessment of air traffic service system capacity, including ATC unit staffing. The proposed standard was developed, mirroring Nav Canada’s existing procedures, to improve Canada’s alignment with Annex 11 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation.?
Members wishing to make comments may do so in writing via the?Comment Submission Form for NPAs or?to [email protected]?by no later than Nov. 27, 2024.
Transport Canada RPAS Team Newsletter
In the latest issue of Transport Canada’s (TC’s) RPAS Team Newsletter – Drone Zone, TC shared the “Fly Safe” Operational Risk Assessment (ORA) webinar presentation, which provides a review of the ORA process found in?Advisory Circular (AC) 903-001.
Bilingual videos are available for members who may have an interest or own/operate an RPAS.
Transport Canada Video Gallery:
ICYMI: Global Exemption NCR-028-2024?
Transport Canada has advised of a new global exemption NCR-028-2024 to Canadian Aviation Regulations?(CARs) Subsections 401.06(1.1) & 402.03(1.1). The purpose of this exemption is to adopt temporary measures in the public interest to enable all applicants of Aviation Document Booklets to apply for an ADB using a digital photograph in place of a paper photo.?The exemption is in effect as of Nov. 1, 2024, until the earliest of the following:?
ICYMI: Reported Incidents of GPS/GNSS Interference
Transport Canada has issued?CASA-2024-10 titled Reported Incidents of GPS/GNSS Interference.
The CASA provides guidance to civil air operators with regards to GPS/GNSS interference as it relates to instances of jamming and spoofing. The following Recommended Actions are listed in the CASA:
Transport Canada continues to collaborate with the international civil aviation community to assess cybersecurity risks and their impacts on aviation safety.
ICYMI: Amendments to Part IV Standards: Personnel Licensing and Training
Transport Canada has published NPA 2024-011?to consult the aviation industry on proposed amendments to Standards related to Part IV – Personnel Licensing and Training.
The key objective of this proposal is to update Part IV standards by revising ambiguous or outdated standards, clarifying terminology and requirements, improving consistency between the English and French versions of the Standards, and codifying three long-standing exemptions.?
A specific change that will impact CAR 604 operators is as follows:
Certain standards are not aligned with new CARs requirements. The current text for standard 421.40(3)(a)(iii)(C), last amended in 2005, should be updated to include that an applicant has successfully completed a pilot proficiency check or a pilot competency check in accordance with CAR 604.143 within 12 months preceding the application. ??
Although the association will review the NPA, members wishing to provide comments may do so in writing via the?Comment Submission Form for NPAs or directly to?[email protected]?by no later than?Nov. 21, 2024.
ICYMI: Nav Canada Aeronautical Study: Lloydminster, Peace River & Rocky Mountain House, Alberta
Nav Canada has advised that it is initiating an Aeronautical Study to assess navigation requirements in the vicinity of Lloydminster, Peace River, and Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. The Terms of Reference document, representing the official Notice of Consultation and detailing the scope and services under review, is available through the?Aeronautical Study website. Nav Canada notes that an active participation facilitates a thorough assessment of service requirements and is crucial in shaping the final proposal. Therefore, interested stakeholders are encouraged to make representations on the service under review before?Nov. 15, 2024.?Please send any comments to?[email protected].
?ICYMI: Nav Canada Aeronautical Study: Toronto
Nav Canada is initiating an Aeronautical Study to assess?airspace requirements in the vicinity of Toronto, Ontario. The Terms of Reference document, representing the official Notice of Consultation and detailing the scope and services under review, is available through the?Aeronautical Study website. Nav Canada notes that an active participation facilitates a thorough assessment of service requirements and is crucial in shaping the final proposal. Therefore, interested stakeholders are encouraged to make representations on the service under review before?Nov. 14, 2024.?Please send any comments to?[email protected].
ICYMI: Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 (Air?Cargo)
On Oct. 11, 2024, Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 (Air?Cargo) were published in Canada Gazette, Part II (here). These were first announced for consultation in the?Canada Gazette, Part I, on?March?18, 2023.?The regulatory change creates requirements for all air carriers transporting cargo on flights to Canada to submit Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information to Transport Canada. It would allow Transport Canada to risk assess the cargo before it is loaded on an aircraft. Risk assessment will incorporate the use of artificial intelligence to target potential threats to aviation security. These amended regulations will come into force on April 1,?2025.
ICYMI: CLIMBING. FAST. – Q&A With Anthony Norejko
The CBAA is pleased to announce it has formally joined CLIMBING. FAST., the business aviation advocacy campaign founded in part by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). CBAA President and CEO Anthony Norejko has more information about this development and how it will benefit CBAA members. Read more here.
ICYMI: Publication of Amended CAR 725 Flight Attendant Training Standard
Further to our post of Sept. 8, 2023, advising that Transport Canada had published a Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA)?2023-012 Amendments to the?Flight Attendant Training Standard?and to Standard 725, this is to?share?that the amendments to the?Flight Attendant Training Standard?and to Standard 725?—?Airline Operations — Aeroplanes?of the?Commercial Air Service Standards?will come into effect on Dec. 1, 2025.?
The Notice of Final Standard Amendment, the What We Heard Report, and?the?Flight Attendant Training Standard?TP 12296 to come into force on Dec. 1, 2025 can be accessed here. Although Transport Canada has noted that the?standard is not yet in force, it can be accessed here.
?ICYMI: Canada and the European Union Sign Agreement to Enhance Border Security
On Oct. 4, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) published a news release announcing Canada’s signing of an agreement with the European Union (EU) to enhance border security. This new agreement forms a legal basis for the transfer and use of passenger name record (PNR) data from flights departing from the EU, and strengthens law enforcement cooperation between Canada and EU partners.
The release states that PNR data is essential in helping the CBSA risk-assess travellers before their arrival in Canada to identify potential security threats. The data, which includes information such as number of bags, payment method, seat selection, and frequent flyer numbers, is collected by air carriers and is provided to the CBSA to conduct pre-arrival risk assessments. This helps identify travellers who may be involved in terrorism or serious transnational crime. This exchange of information contributes to the security of the North American perimeter and our national security. The full release is available here.
ICYMI: Advisory Circular 573-010 Maintenance Annex Guide – Canada/EASA
In the September 2024 Regulatory Affairs Update, we shared Transport Canada’s announcement that it signed an amendment (here) to the Maintenance Annex Guide (MAG) 11 July 2024 with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which replaces the previous version dated 2018-11-06. This amendment signals Canada’s strong relation with the European Union.?To support users in their use of the MAG, Transport Canada has published Advisory Circular AC 573-010, titled Maintenance Annex Guidance – Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement Between Canada and the European Union?dated 2024-11-15.
Chapter Meeting Dates for Your Calendars
We have a few more Fall chapter meetings to wrap up, and then we’ll be looking ahead to Spring! Save these dates and plan to join a CBAA gathering near you.
Fall 2024
Spring 2025
Pre-registration is required – click here to sign up for a meeting near you.
Sponsors Wanted
CBAA’s regional chapter meetings would not be possible without our generous sponsors! We have lots of opportunities to make a strong industry impression for as little as $750. Find out more.
Questions? Reach out to us at [email protected].
Convention 2025
Save the date and join us in beautiful Richmond, B.C. for CBAA’s next Convention & Exhibition, June 10-12, 2025. A big thank you goes to our Diamond Sponsor and host, Million Air!
Video: CBAA SMS Session #2
Did you miss CBAA’s Oct. 10 SMS Session on audit preparation? Here’s the video so you can catch up! You can also check out Session 1 from May 2024, here.
G700 Completes 100% SAF Testing
Gulfstream announced on Oct. 31 that its new G700 aircraft has completed ground emissions testing with multiple fuel types, including neat SAF – a completely non-fossil-based aviation fuel without sulfur or aromatics. See the press release.
Ensure Peak Performance with the Association Aviation Medical Program
Safeguard the health and performance of your aviation team with the Association Aviation Medical Program, a collaboration between the Canadian Business Aviation Association and TELUS Health. This program offers:
Tailored for those who need reliable health evaluations and quick follow-up care, this program ensures safety, efficiency, and operational continuity with trusted healthcare experts.
Click here for more details and to purchase this comprehensive health solution for aviation professionals.