Your website needs to be mobile-first. NOW!
Sander Gansen
Boosting Revenues with Perxify | Organiser of BananaConf | Bringing Old Guards to Web3
I had yet another horrible user experience, when trying to order a pizza using a smartphone…
Starting from last month, I’ve stopped carrying a laptop whenever possible. Instead leaving home only with an iPhone and a pair of Spectacles.
Thanks to everything moving to a mobile only world, I don’t have to drag a computer with me. All my work-related stuff is in the cloud, accessible via apps in my phone. Same goes for anything leisure related.
I’ve realised my life could be completely mobile operated.
If only there’d be an easy way to display my screen on a wall when watching the next episode of Billions or Iron Fist…
Wherein, it’s not only one individual acting like that. It’s rather an ever growing movement with people getting more vocal as the days go by.
Even so, service providers, such as a pizza kiosk in Tallinn, still don’t seem to be adapting. For some reason, their “mobile optimised” sites are yet to get an easy to use interface. The map doesn’t work and every time I try to enter my address it goes back to beginning. Making me look for better solutions-when there’s non.
Luckily some of them (delving deeper to the pizza kiosk example) still have a public phone number. Thus, I’m able to skip their hideous platform, and make an order by giving a call.
Is this the world we want to live in — one where we still need to be calling each other? I’d rather not…
But unfortunately at times that’s the only viable option. And we must go back in time. Only because they didn’t understand the concept of mobile-first. Trying to adapt the existing site to my “new age” needs — failing!
That’s wrong on so many levels. It’s time to change the thinking. Please start building websites meant for mobile-first users. Because that’s the NOW!
And if there’s no way around it, add the desktop version as well…
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