Is Your Website In Need Of A Facelift?
We have to be honest with you. Chances are we would never recommend getting a facelift. The plastic surgery look is just that – plastic. We’re more of the “au natural” type. Accept your beauty for what it is! Now, when it comes to your website, however, we take a different approach. Keeping its same look for too long isn’t bound to attract many people. When it comes to your online entity, a facelift, every now and again, is definitely necessary.
Is your website in need of a facelift? Let’s discuss a few things that may indicate it’s time for a change.
The site’s speed is too slow.
When you log on to your site, how long does it take to load? Try doing this on a desktop computer as well as a laptop, tablet and smartphone. It’s important to ensure that the site loads quickly on all devices – especially the mobile ones. If your visitors have bad user experiences, they won’t likely return to the site. Consider the fact that load time should be no more than three seconds tops. If your website is currently taking longer than that to load, it’s update time.
Its bounce rate is pretty high.
What’s a bounce rate? It’s when visitors bounce from your website at an alarming rate! To be clear, when someone visits your site and ends up leaving before visiting any of its pages, it contributes to your bounce rate. Why are people not interacting with your website? Is the design unappealing? Is it too difficult to locate your product pages? Are there no enticing photos to look at?
It has a confusing layout.
Are there tabs at the top of your homepage? Are there social media icons that will link people to the pages of your accounts? If not, you may be sending the wrong message to your visitors. And that message is “it’s going to take you some time to get what you’re looking for because we have no intention of making it easy for you!” Web visitors want easy journeys through organized websites so they can find what they need in as little time as possible.
It has too much text.
Photos are eye-catchers. It’s the reason Instagram has exploded as such a popular social media platform. When people visit your website, do they have pictures to look at? If your homepage is full of text without any photos to break it up, it’s going to turn people away. As well, too much text makes your site layout look cluttered.
It isn’t mobile-friendly.
Earlier, we pointed out that it’s important to have your site load quickly on various devices. We wish to reiterate that on mobile devices, in particular, your site’s ability to provide strong user experiences is of paramount importance. Most people use their smartphones and tablets to surf the net. If your site can’t hack it, you’ll send visitors packing!
At MeloTel, we offer Website Maintenance Services by a highly skilled, competent and dedicated staff. We provide your site with the personal attention it deserves at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time in-house web designer/developer. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL.