Is Your Website Built for Strangers?
Lisa Larter
CEO & Founder at Lisa Larter Group | #SheTalksBusiness Host | I help entrepreneurs strategize and market their expertise in a focused way that aligns with the business goals.
When was the last time you looked at your website through the eyes of a stranger? Have you fallen into the trap of crafting?your copy and marketing messages?to those who know, like, and trust you?
Don’t do that.
Your website is?for strangers. Here’s why:
If you’re talking to the crowd who already know you, you’re likely missing out on a number of opportunities to generate leads, solidify referrals and grow your business. You see, your website isn’t for the people?who already know and love you, it’s for strangers – and it needs to be built for them.
Your website is for seekers who are looking for solutions to their own problems. If they don’t know you, you only have a few seconds before they decide whether or not you and your business are a good fit for them.
This is important. Your website is?your silent salesperson. It’s having a conversation with strangers every single day without you listening quietly to what it’s saying on your behalf.
A Quick Website Audit:
Now, if you’re unsure how to answer these questions or want to think?about the customer journey, stop for a second and think about your own buying behavior. Let’s say you are looking for a product or service – what do you do?
First, you likely type the problem into Google to try and find a solution. You search for the problem because you need a solution, right? The thing is, you don’t know exactly what that solution is – or you would have solved it yourself.
So, you scroll past the ads and click on the first website that looks like it might offer what you need. Then, when you land on the website, you either feel like you’ve found exactly?what you were looking for?– or you click back.
We Make Split-Second Decisions
You, too, make buying decisions in a split second. You may not have noticed it before – but now you will.
But why? When you clicked back, it was likely because the place you visited didn’t?convey trust, the message wasn’t clear and you immediately assumed this business couldn’t help you.
The website didn’t?feel?like the right place for you to solve your problem.
The same goes for your business website.?Your website isn’t for your existing clients, it’s not for people who know you and have a relationship with you, it’s for everyone else.
Your website is for strangers.
So, treat these strangers like they were coming to your home for the very first time. Be clear, be kind. Be welcoming and make it easy for them to figure out how you can help them.