wejo inc has a call centre that currently pre-qualifies consumers to obtain an auto insurance quote based upon their demographic and driving history. We are able to re-connect with customers who were previously quoted, lost on price or became disengaged and qualify them to be quoted again.
This opportunity can being taken advantage of by both agencies and carriers alike by enabling to act as a procurement tool for high intent auto insurance customers.
Our agents will call on your aged data with a view to re-connecting with your consumers. We employ a variety of dialling strategies based on things such as policy expiration date, state or customer demographic. We see excellent contact rates from the data and are able to introduce consumers back to your brand where they would have been previously lost.
We are able to licence the data and call on your behalf so that consumers are immediately engaged to your brand.
We can also look help monetise your call wastage that you were unable to quote, where insurance companies and agencies pass through calls to dial2compare of customers that did'nt meet their profile. will then re-qualify the customer and pass them through to an insurer that is more suitable to their profile. This process would be done on a revenue share basis.
The benefits of these opportunities to your company are:
- Licencing of data allows your brand to be introduced to consumers and improves visibility
- Pre-qualification of consumers means you only speak to your target demographic
- Potential for a profit share where customers are sold to other partners if they do not fit your profile
- You only receive high intent customers, due to our qualification process we remove any brand affiliated or customer service related calls
- Achieve high close rates, our current partners report ~40% close rate on our calls
Please contact me if you have any questions or want to discuss becoming a partner with