They stand in the Breach
One hundred thousand strong
Men and women barely 17 years old
In the cold, the wind, the rain
They stand on someone else's doorstep
On someone else’s lawn
With guns and other ugly weapons of war
Because you sent them there to die
Because you failed to save the peace
Because of your selfishness and greed
They stand there in the Breach
Most have not had their first kiss
Made love for the first time
But they stand there because you said they should
To protect their country 10 million miles away
This is a lie, a big lie
They are there to protect you
As you lay in your warm bed
Wrapped in your warm blanket
With your wife or lover at your side
Secured by the men standing outside your front door
And these young men, these young women
A million miles away
On someone’s doorstep. Not theirs
To protect your interest, not theirs
Where is the peace you speak of?
You have failed again, and again to secure the peace
So you resort to war
You are not standing in the Breach with them
Protecting these young men and women
Who will die when the first shots are fired
Or maimed for life
And you are not there
To comfort them, or shield and protect them
Because you lied to them,
and to all of us about the need for war
This is your war, not our war