Your Voice is the Medicine You've Been Denying Yourself
Sharon Lim
Realistic Health & Nutrition for women with Thyroid Disease desperate for a better quality of life | Board Certified Nutritionist (CNS) | ?? Matcha Enthusiast | Dog Mom | Join my R.E.N.E.W Thyroid Method
How many times have you swallowed your words until they burned in your throat?
How many times have you held back your truth just to keep everyone else comfortable?
How often have you pushed your own desperate needs aside because the thought of being seen as "difficult" or "demanding" felt more distasteful than the physical symptoms ravaging your body?
For women with thyroid disease, this suppression isn't just emotional pain…it presents itself as physical agony in the most poetic of places: right in your throat.
The home of your voice and expression. The sanctuary of your unspoken truths.
Thyroid disease is less about the bone-deep fatigue that drags you to the floor or the weight that won't budge no matter how little you eat. In fact, it's much more about the simmering ache of never being truly heard. The silent scream of never feeling seen or understood. The crushing weight of being dismissed with "it's just stress" or "all women feel tired."
Every unspoken need becomes a knot in your throat, eventually spreading throughout your body as physical symptoms. Every swallowed truth feeds the inflammation consuming you from within.
What happens when you finally permit yourself to speak your truth?
The Power of Your Throat Chakra
In Eastern traditions, the Throat Chakra is the sacred center of communication, self-expression, and truth. When blocked, we don't just feel unheard—we literally become physically unwell, as if the body is crying out what the voice cannot.
Beneath all that, it’s your tender, loyal body that's been trying to protect you all along—pays the ultimate price.
?? Take Action: Think of one thing you needed to say this week, but didn't. Send me a DM with the word "VOICE" and I'll share a simple 2-minute practice to help you work through and release it.
As an Asian eldest daughter, I was conditioned to carry mountains without complaints.
I was the responsible one, the strong one, the one who solved problems without creating any. Even when my heart was breaking from being unheard in friendships, invisible in relationships, overlooked in my career—I stayed silent. Afraid to ruffle feathers.
But, as I reflect on that, I’d think it was a foolish act because now, I'm described as the “nice girl”. And isn’t that the same story that keeps encircling, even in today’s society? “Be nice. Be Polite and considerate”, they say. Don’t you dare anger them. Yep. Breaching from being the “nice girl” is a challenging work of art.
Being nice and polite means staying in your lane. It also means, rage and grief have nowhere to go but inward. The body morphs into a battlefield for emotions you never felt safe to express.
Maybe for you, it’s a silent internal war that’s erupted as autoimmune, which literally translates to your own body becoming a self-attacking organism.
It wasn't until recently, living alone with my husband for the first time, just the two of us without distractions (WFH, no kids)—this luxury allowed me to finally slow down so I could “work on myself” and SEE the truth of how deeply wounded I’d been from holding silence and masking strength for way too long (30+ years!!!).
Years of unspoken resentments. Years of being dismissed. Years of feeling judged or biting my tongue or living in fear because I didn’t want, nor did I know how to be vulnerable nor authentic.
In my luxury, I finally realized this certainty: if I kept burying my voice, I would stay sick. My body wouldn’t truly live in alignment and yield to true healing because it would always be suppressed.
So I started small—expressing tiny truths that felt like mountains:
The changes were gradual but visible!
The more I spoke up, the more the tension melted in my body. The trust between my brain and body slowly began to strengthen. I was starting to feel safer for existing. My nervous system, after decades on high alert, began to soften. My digestion found a rhythm. My energy stabilized.
As this revelation dawned, I stopped merely surviving and began the sacred journey of reclaiming trust in myself and my voice.
This Is Your Invitation to Do the Same
If you've been waiting for someone to tell you it's okay to speak up for yourself—to demand answers, to be courageous, to voice your pain—this is it.
I will keep saying this until you feel it in your bones: Healing thyroid disease isn't all about the eating right diet or taking the perfect cocktail of supplements or having your lifestyle ducks in a row. It's about freedom. Liberating what's been preventing you from living the life you are desperate to experience.
Embark on your voice reclamation today:
You’re Not Meant to Walk This Path Alone
Unearthing your truth and freedom is uncomfortable. It requires breaking patterns that your body thinks are protecting you. It's not a solitary journey, nor should it be.
If you're ready to break free from the exhaustion that has become your normal, from the silence that has become your prison, from the cycle of abandoning yourself to please others—I'm here to explore beside you.
?? Reply to this letter or send me a DM. Let's talk about how you can unearth your voice, your health, and your life. Together, we'll break the chains of thyroid disease so you can finally edge closer to living the life you want.
Because every word you speak is a step toward collective wholeness. And you, my dear, deserve to be well and take part in that collectiveness.
Follow me, Sharon Lim , for more Thyroid wisdom that honors your wholeness