Your voice has power! Your Aura has Greater Power!
Sound is our next vibrational transformation

Your voice has power! Your Aura has Greater Power!

When I was very small, people talked in whispers because of the WWII. No one wanted to really trust neighbors until the bombing raids started. So many humans, animals and natural life died as well. We have come a long ways from those days, and still we do not trust ourselves, our choices or our neighbors!

Now with the Corona Virus, we have even more reasons to learn to trust ourselves and our neighbors. Though a virus can be lethal, it can also be the making of our individual personality and character. In times of need, stress leads the way. However, in this incident when we cannot leave our homes, this is a very excellent time to discover your inner truths in meditations, conversations on the phone and time out with music, the arts and fun challenges like board games and creative projects.

Sound is already with us, but we yet have to understand how it works to heal our bodies. Put agate slices (Teragrams) on your Major Chakras or any other stones you have; play loud soothing music and watch your body let go of fear, pain, anger, guilt, loss and much more that you do not know you carry, such as your mother's attitudes, ways of expressing self etc. Then do the same with father and the whole family. Then discover the real you that has lots of answers and fabulous ideas of things to do to pass the time.

Music is sound and it heals. Any sound has a vibration. Your body vibrates with life and has its own tune in a major or minor key. When you sing, you resonate your whole body an can heal many aspects of the workings of the body. Read more about this in my books: Breakthrough Therapies: Crystal Acupuncture & Teragram Therapy & The Book of Crystal Acupuncture & Teragram Therapy Diagrams, & TrinityStone Healing Therapy. I can be here for you. See me online teaching or email: [email protected] if you need my help or This will give you a chance to learn from me for free.


