Your Views and political Interests don’t count, except for 2 extremely rare Circumstances
Thomas Poetter
AI/IT Architect (AI, Big Data, Cloud, Apps, Enterprise, Security), Agile Coach/Project Management/Product Owner, CyberSecurity
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown this clearer than ever: Were any effective measures taken by governments? But somehow many capitalists from lab owners, mask manufacturers, to big pharma made billions or trillions. Together with manipulated stock and crypto markets, the rich managed the biggest wealth transfer in history. But how successful were all these containment strategies financed by all those trillions? Were they spent in public interest?
The reason why our democracies are not very democratic lie in the voting systems of these democracies themselves: Some are more equal than others: Voting in actual primaries is preceded by an ‘invisible primary’ in which candidates compete for the support of the media and company owners — to help them influence the public opinion — either directly in their media or indirectly through donations. In return, elected politicians feel obliged to consider the interests of their donors — and if they don’t, they won’t get favorable public opinion or donations and likely won’t get reelected. And that’s just the legal part as described by Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman in the New York Times, not considering the frequent bribery, corruption, and blackmailing aspects due to their debauched private lives.
Gilens and Page examined in a 2014 Cambridge University Press study nearly 1,800 policy issues[1], concluding that “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial impacts on government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.”
Among the top 0.1% and the top lobby organizations, there are so many different interests and efforts to balance and negotiate all day long that politicians and media don’t even attempt to describe them to the general public. You see this especially on the banal election posters or possibly even contradicting internet ads of the same politicians to various target groups. Instead, they come up with over-simplified or plain false narratives like CO2 being the only important driver of global warming and private consumption the main adjusting screw for this. Those narratives are of course chosen so that politics can easily justify the spending of a few trillion on possible solutions while increasing private taxes and deductions accordingly. Media might overnight make a 16-year-old autistic activist girl[2] famous with her authentic panicking to cause what scientists call amygdala hijack[3] in peoples’ brains– when rational thinking stops and survival instincts kick in: Fight or flight. Well-knowing that flight from Earth is only an option for billionaires and another reason to reallocate money from the poor to the rich. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest wealth transfer from poor to rich in world history[4] happened. One of the hundreds of measures that proves that politicians are mainly deciding in favor of the super-rich besides the obvious big spends on harmful masks, vaccines, irrelevant tracing apps, and questionable tests is the fact that they decided in many countries to unfairly discriminate against self-employed people by not paying them the same aids as other companies to force them into lowly paid jobs in the companies of the rich.
Too much panicking takes people into mass psychosis and thus makes them obedient and minimizes the chance that they question any of this. Then media draws the attention on little things like celebrities, cancel culture, gendering, diseases, etc. To understand what is really going on, one would have to read all laws and also have an overview of the many special permits or conditions given to specific companies or countries. Around 99.9% of all cases of direct or indirect redistribution of tax payer money manifested this way never gets into the media. To a small extent and for several years, some shady activities of this kind are tolerable for a society. However, in most Western states, this has been going on for 70+ years and since nobody stops these people, it tends to drastically increase every year. If it goes on like this, there will in a few years only be billionaires and low paid and unemployed people.
If people get paid less, they tend to drive long distances to earn a bit more, get life insurance, rent apartments, or take big credits to afford a house. That again increases the turnover of the rich and thus increases profits in two ways: saving costs and additional turnover.
People are taught to learn well, get a degree and then a good job, but that’s not how you become successful or build wealth[5]. Check out yourself who the richest people on the globe are and what they did to build their wealth.
Even startup support — supposed to give everybody with a good idea a chance to entrepreneurial success — has turned into the opposite in many countries and is more supporting the rich: New ideas get assessed and selected with public money and with that money risks are reduced and it’s easy for companies to get access to these insights, saving those costs. But typically, not enough money is given for marketing to consumers — which could compete with the rich — and the founders are pushed into unprofitable reference projects with the corporations of the rich and the company success depends on one of typically three such companies paying good rates. Now even if a big company finds an idea to be top, they’ll still in most cases just drive the startup towards a low-profit business relationship, to an inexpensive buying of the startup or to not continue the business relationship to instead replicate or in a more efficient or adapted form to implement what the startup did and possibly even employ some of the startup’s employees later at a low rate since they failed. That the public funding is low and thus money needs to be borrowed helps additionally in creating pressure on these companies and their founders to accept any deal since they must pay back these debts — often to friends and family. Additionally, failure is made a life-long stigma so that these people can be paid less — no matter what that means for the personal fate of the affected people. That leaves only some innovative niche entrepreneurial strategies to become successful which change and about which most are silent. Smart or wealthy people work not to climb the corporate ladder but to own the corporate ladder, i.e. working to build equity or passive income.
Especially when reacting to crises as they then do not need tenders — politicians always first think about how they can help the rich to get a percentage back as bribes. Politicians never want to have objective scientific strategies or solution possibilities created and published as that would reduce their abilities to serve the rich and earn bribes.
The reason why corrupt countries have little innovation and little successful startups is that people have different priorities: Innovative people invested less time in creating corrupt relationships and actually bribe the many people to be successful (even if they had the money). Therefore, the corrupt pseudo-elites just let them fail — neither buying nor financing them.
Some providers of complex software that can be provided essentially without costs[6], have vendor-lock-in and require extensive training go a step further: They specifically offer low fees or freebies to startups but then later experience high percentages of turnover. That way they benefit from the startups educating employees on using their software using public and private money. For the ~95% of failure cases, they or their partners use the educated people as lowly paid labor since they failed (but these people often constitute two-thirds of the trained experts), otherwise they participate over-proportionally from their turnover and the startup not being able to get out of it due to the vendor lock-in.
Also startups are exploited by making growth financing rare for them: They thus have to offer their high-tech cheaply to sell anything, go bankrupt and their tech + trained employees are on the market for the billionaires’ companies to cherry-pick at scrap value / employ them lowly-paid as stigmatized losers.
That explains why hardly any innovative startups outside the Silicon Valley startup funding model are successful and why all other countries and regions lose competitiveness.
What’s quite insidious is how laws, lawsuits and legal practices have changed: They have continuously moved from being common sense, ethical and affordable to favoring the rich: By being less affordable, allowing nearly everything in contracts in the direction of slavery (e.g. giving contractors no rights at all, paying them only if you subjectively like their results and sign off their timesheets), to changing on which basis decisions are reached to changing the place of jurisdiction to the head offices of the corporations where they can most easily cultivate an image or even bribe judges: That has moved continuously towards having fewer judges who are then more superficial, marginalize people based on prejudice (e.g. another lazy crappy IT freak wanting to get more payment than adequate) and most importantly, introducing increasingly more formal errors and exclusion criteria so that only those with top lawyers at top rates succeed relatively independent of whether they are really right. On the other hand, politicians and rich people got so many incompetent people into the public service to do them a favor — them in every sense: the rich, the politicians, the incompetent public service people — that they created a law in Germany that says that there are no formal errors for the public service: Instead they can correct errors anytime — even after the lawsuit has begun — thus creating a real bigot double standard.
Regarding the EU’s embargo only against Russian oil sent by ship: This will only make some oil companies richer. Only a punitive tariff or flooding of the market (e.g. by OPEC or the USA) would have an effect. The ships boycotted are easily diverted by Russia to Asia. Russia anyway pays for its military out of its reserves and does not need any foreign currency. The only effect of the ship oil embargo is that oil is becoming more expensive in Europe, allowing higher profits for the corporations in times of record inflation and that the big corporations can enrich themselves also by doing imports of cheap Russian oil from the Czech Republic coming through oil pipelines and pocketing the margins. From whether you heard about this in your media, you can draw conclusions how synchronized they are and which interests they serve. At the same occasion, the corrupt EU gave billions to Poland[7] and its billionaires in spite of minimal concessions towards a less synchronized judiciary while millions of people in the rest of the EU don’t know how to survive with 8% inflation but no increases for them. Before getting subsidies, such people have to sell their real estate at ~12% tax rate and rent or buy a smaller real estate at again at ~12% tax rate, thus losing ~24% or more plus agents’ and notary fees, i.e. a quarter or more of the value of their real estates to the state and real estate billionaires. I.e. poor people in the EU are losing a quarter or more of what are often their lifetime savings mostly to the state or the rich when they don’t find work for a while, e.g. due to long COVID. A theoretical solution would be to insure against this — but the state’s insurance was mostly cancelled and many insurances hardly ever pay out occupational disability insurance money[8]: Typically the man dies first, the widow has no legal expertise and often there were some hidden medical issues. 10 years later when a lawsuit might be won, the widow typically also has died.
German politicians consistently managed to completely act against societal interest without noteworthy media attention, e.g. giving away or exporting under questionable circumstances around 80% of its military equipment (including tanks and planes) and failing to keep functional much of the rest. Germany also sold much of its gas reserves to Russia, made its energy maximally dependent on Russia while letting the companies charge western prices, and made itself thus maximally blackmailable which surprised mainstream media users only when they heard that prices, debts, taxes, and deductions are exploding due to blackmailing, energy and military scarcity, and the need to buy new equipment that before was sold off for little — again all only in the interest of the rich. Germany has been spending around €50 billion per year on its military without building up noteworthy firepower. For 40 years, the entire EU has been failing to add explosive tiles to its tanks or stealth or vertical takeoff capabilities to its planes. Corrupt EU construction projects commonly overrun budgets by a factor of 5–10 and space projects often fail completely[9] which makes it easier to hide the corruption but more difficult for the media to frame it as being funny.
Even worse, Germany has wasted around €6 trillion by integrating East Germany inefficiently, e.g., making those companies uncompetitive over night by converting the currency at too high a value, then selling companies cheaply to Western competitors or otherwise making them go bankrupt to suppress competition even if they could have been saved. The only ridiculous explanation: No textbook existed on how to convert a socialist economy to a capitalist one. However, all other ex-communist countries without capitalist “experts” did a much better job. Resulting bribery money was declared as private heritages or of the ruling party and only when 100k bribery money suitcases were handed over to finance election campaigns instead of going — as expected and common — into private pockets, competing politicians and their media friends showed some outrage.
Still today Germany is not preventing the money laundering of mafia and other criminal organizations in the German real estate market and is doing anything to have more lawsuits e.g. around refugees, building things, etc.: Could that be due to the fact that an over-proportionally large share of politicians are lawyers and invest mainly in real estates?
How gene lab leaks and pandemics like COVID-19, monkey pox, etc., were used to facilitate the biggest wealth transfer in history from poor to rich is the subject to another longer story.
A more extreme example is the USA — playing world police– mainly to enrich its weapon producers and spending every second dollar on its military while paying most of the costs itself and average living standards continuously go down.
An even bolder trick is being rolled out around ESG (Environment Social Governance) investing which started with some good ethical suggestions, but then mostly developed into fuzzy strategies that knowingly have nothing to do with sustainability or regeneration and gravitated towards increasing enterprise value and the prosperity of the ESG consultants, financial instrument vendors, and company owners,[10] or into pure greenwashing — again making the rich richer.
Why do you think the central banks are printing trillions of dollars these days and where do you think they go? What’s worse, most reserves have been used up and been brought to the point of bursting (regarding debts) across all problem categories. In the meanwhile, 15+ big wicked problem categories have developed so far that each are threatening our existence as humanity — where we are just one step away from the abyss and that step could happen any time.
The steep decline of the net available purchasing power of an average citizen — typically around 2–10% per year in the Western world — is maybe the indicator that is most noticeable to you and the automation job loss problem together with inflation is going to accelerate that. Bio labs leak pathogens causing one pandemic after the next. Earth becomes uninhabitable not just due to global warming but also due to limited resources, extreme population growth, and frequent disasters. Growing international and national inequalities and wars could kill many of us tomorrow, just like crime, a debt collapse or hyper-inflation, or just collapsing healthcare or public services like law enforcement or insufficient resources to support the elderly.
We have so much to change in so little time and politics is not considering the voices of the 99% at all. The later we start, the harder it will be. Already we must improve by around 5 percent in each of the 15+ wicked problem categories. How hard that is becomes clear if you ever tried to become 5 percent better in your school marks per year. With the way billionaires dominate politics and economy, how they reversed global warming [pause] not, and how they researched and can afford luxury shelters with artificial robot-run greenhouses under the ground, we all know they’re not going to do much.
Our Potentialism/PCF situation is another example: It is no longer possible to build a political movement even when hundreds of billions of dollars/Euros are misappropriated and people are outraged: Social media doesn’t amplify any more sufficiently and marketing is too expensive and even slightly political content is often completely excluded, even if it just asks for more ethical behavior.
That leads me to the conclusion: The two rare circumstances under which your views counts are
1) You donate millions to politicians and do active lobbying with something that they can fit into their agenda without causing outrage.
2) You organize with many others to make this new socio-economic model of potentialism known with which you will win each single political debate because it is maximally ethical. Once the movement is big enough and enough politicians and other public figures were publicly embarrassed because they could not argue against it, we might see a second way to make our ideas count with this potentialism movement.
If you opt for the latter, you’ll find the full details of our solution proposal under Please take action before it is too late for humanity. Confront those professors, journalists, and politicians with the questions and solutions detailed there so that they cannot ignore this singular, improved model for the future so that we as humanity get a chance to survive.
We have probably the most comprehensive analysis and the most comprehensive solutions of today’s top problems called Potentialism:
Relatively short overview presentation:
[2] Alludes to Greta Thunberg, founder of “Fridays for Future” with her parents having a marketing agency.
[4] The wealth of the world’s 10 richest men during the #pandemic increased at a rate of $15,000 per sec, or $1.3 billion a day.
?The number of beggars living on less than $2/day has increased by 160 mln.
#WeWant2Live Forum:
TWITTER Global Crisis:
[5] The BIGGEST LIES You’ve Been Told About Money That KEEP YOU POOR! | Jaspreet Singh
[6] E.g. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) companies like SAP, cloud providers, etc.
[8] In Germany, they stopped the state’s occupational disability insurance for everybody and the private insurances hardly ever pay out money. They tend to wait with that until they lose a law suit and they optimized their success probabilities by defining many pre-existing conditions, non-covered conditions and having many additional hard-to-meet conditions and limits in the fine print.
[9] 2 billion € lost
Helping businesses optimize processes, maximize profit, and reduce cost through the mastery of AI ? ArrowBreaker ? Perpetual Co-creator
8 个月What an eye-opening perspective, Thomas!?It's terrifying to think that if the current trajectory continues, we could be headed towards a future with only billionaires and impoverished masses. I don't want to live in that dystopian reality. Your point about the flaws in our democratic systems really resonated with me. It does seem like politicians are beholden to their elite donors rather than representing the interests of average citizens. And you raise very valid concerns about corruption, cronyism, and the legal system being tilted to favor the wealthy. This begs the question, what compromises or collaborations could be fostered among the major stakeholders (e.g. government, corporations, communities, advocates) to address the issue more effectively?