Your Version of ACS Master System Obsolete? Not to us!
Did you recently receive a notification or email from the original dealer of your system that your version is outdated or obsolete?
- We are an Authorized Basis Reseller/Partner;
- According to your Licensing Agreement, any Basis Reseller may provide support, modifications, and their "own upgrades" to the ACS Master System you purchased, including Basis Licensing and Basis SAM Plan Management.
- Our team has over 75 combined years of working directly with the ACS Master System as a customer, working for the original dealer, or working with Basis International owned entities.
- This team understands YOU are the customer. We have a working knowledge of your market and we are able to relate to your employees. We have held form coils in our hands, bruised our shins on motor shafts walking through shops, felt the floor vibrate from the test run of an unbalanced motor, felt the heat and know the smell of a burn-out oven, and we will be impressed by the size of your VPI tank.
We encourage you to ask our competitors the following questions:
- Have you ever created a real estimate or invoice with the software you support?
- Have you ever scheduled over 200 simultaneous jobs through a shop?
- Have you ever managed inventory with the software you support?
- Have you ever made purchasing decisions based on system reports your software generates?
Listen to their answers and then make a decision on who should be supporting your software system.
Tired of calling for License Keys every 6 to 12 months? The License Key option does not apply to the Basis License agreement. We can eliminate that hassle!
Did you convert to another system and you're not happy with the results? If you didn't trade it in for your new system, you still own the Master System. Ask us about converting back.
See our Full Disclosure.
- Glenn Sasscer, Admin Resource and Services