Your value isn’t in the size of your car or diamond ring. - So, what is it?
Regina Huber
I help Trailblazing Leaders thrive & driven people create the life they truly desire. Leadership & Freedom Coach | I work in EN, DE, PT & ES | RISE TO LEAD Podcast Host | Speaker | Author
The size of your car, house, diamond ring, or bank account doesn’t define your worth or value.
If you measure your value based on the size of your car, house, diamonds, or bank accounts, then you will never experience your true value or worth.
Because your value cannot be expressed by anything external. Your value is inside of you and it finds its expression in the value of how you serve and what you create… your impact. (And it doesn’t matter who this impact is directed toward. Everyone has the right to make a difference for the world in their own way.)
The money is only a potential side effect of your impact. Some people create gigantic impact without receiving a lot of money in return. This doesn’t decrease the value of what they have created, and definitely not their own value.
It is understandable that you want to be decently remunerated for the work you do… and you should be! I coach my clients to negotiate their way to their dream salary all the time…
But in order to ask for the raise you want and negotiate in a compelling way, you must first own your inner value and worth.
Your value and worth cannot be expressed in money…. because it’s beyond anything you could ever buy with money. Once you know this on a deep level, once you own this, everything smoothes out.
Your self-belief is boosted. Because when you know your value, you automatically become aware of all the power and creativity that are inside of you. And you will find it easier to acknowledge the greatness of your work, your creative output, your unique genius.
You no longer depend on validation by others. Because you know that you are enough.
Your (conscious or subconscious) fear to be laid off goes away. Because you know that you can find a new (and better) opportunity somewhere else. You could even build your own business if you wanted.
We could say, the recognition of your true inner value is a spiritual concept. But it’s really at the basis of everything else you probably want in life: great relationships, sustainable success, a satisfying career, fulfillment,… you name it! ?
So, what then constitutes your value?
It’s hard to describe with words because it likely feels different for every single one of us. You may want to sit with it (maybe in meditation) and take time to sense it rather than think your way into understanding it. – Why?
It’s not that hard to capture its essence on a rational level… but embodying it and living in its truth every day is a different story. This requires practice, inward focus, and trust.
Once we truly grasp this intangible, yet limitless and magical value inside of us, and practice feeling into it on a regular basis, it becomes easier to create external results with it.
We can now more easily see how our wonderful talents and gifts, our strengths and skills can “add value.” How we an apply them most effectively in the work we do.
But again, first, we must know what they are, and own them so we can then show them.
Have you ever made a list of all your amazing talents, skills, strengths, competencies, capabilities, achievements, wisdom through life, transformation stories,...? – If not, start there! You’ll be surprised how much you will uncover. This may also spark your curiosity about all the riches that are still in your potential and that you have not even explored yet.
But most importantly, always remember that your value and worth is so high there are no words to describe it. And it sure cannot be measured through anything material.
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1 年Never forget that your true worth is immeasurable and goes far beyond material possessions. You are valuable simply for being who you are, with all your unique qualities, talents, and experiences. Your worth cannot be defined by external factors or societal standards. Embrace your worth and let it shine through in everything you do.