Your Unique "SoundPrint" {WATCH or LISTEN NOW}
Crystal Sun
?????? ???? ?????????? ???? ???????? ?????????????????? Former Hollywood Artist turned advocate for healing frequencies??Sharing the transformative power of vibrations for personal and planetary wellness??
Our "SoundPrint" is much deeper than just information stored in our DNA. Our "SoundPrint" is the closest we will get to experiencing pure freedom in this life while being contained in human form.?
Our "SoundPrint" is our soul. The frequencies that swirl within our light forms are infused into our bodies and create the unique individuals that we are today. This is the main reason why we look, act and sound different. In fact, our body is playing a constant beautiful symphony, and when that symphony is out of tune or off-key, our voice and health fade or takes a big toll.
Everything is in constant motion, nothing rests, it is the law of vibration. When our frequency is not in tune, it throws our vibratory field off and our off frequencies then attract off accidents, poor health, etc.
In order to stay balanced, we must tune-up our orchestra and align with the frequency of health, good relationships and wealth.
There are a few ways to do so and when you are in this high vibratory state…you create miracles.
Watch my latest podcast episode where I dive deep into why your unique "SoundPrint" is vital to understand, to align with your true mission & purpose here on planet earth.?
or Listen Here
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Manager, Doer. One in the same.
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