Your Unique Perspective
"He told them another parable: 'The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field'" - Matthew 13:31.
Jesus did most of His teaching through what are known as parables, which are stories with a moral or lesson to them. He drew the examples for His parables from everyday life, and at times explained all the details of the parables to His inquiring disciples. The points is that Jesus was a creative teacher, who found creative ways to hold His audiences captivated for days on end.
What was the source of Jesus' creative teaching? He paid attention to the world around Him as He looked for material to include in His teaching lessons. Are you paying attention to the things you see every day? Do you realize that how you see them is unique to you, and could have lessons for others if you creatively shared them? Isn't that the essence of the best writers, painters, and other creative types?
Lord, Your world is full of beauty, and Your beauty contains lessons for all of us. I understand that I have a unique perspective on what I see around me, and that You want me to share what I see through my creativity, which may include teaching, but is not limited to that expression. Help me not to take for granted my impressions of life around me, and help me to take those impressions and fold them into the work You have assigned me to do.
Graduated from Geneva College