Is it your turn?
Thursday transformation goes to Ellie.
Her pics and story:
Three weeks out from completing my fourth IsaBody and I honestly feel like I owe this challenge everything.
When I look at who I was on January 11, 2016 I feel so far separated from that person that it doesn’t even feel real- beneath the completely different body I was also completely miserable. I was lacking in energy and any form of self confidence was completely lost and at a flat zero.
My life has done a total 180 since that day, the one where I made the decision to take the horrid photo, to get to work and to only ever look back in order to see how far I’d come.
Each round I enter it only gets better and better, the fact that I have the whole rest of my life to go and grow lights a serious fire in my belly??????"
PM me Jeff Beebe or Debi Beebe for more info.