Your Time is More Valuable Than Money
Written by: Miles Clyne
The Value Of Time
Keeping track of time has been import from centuries. Through history there were important reasons for humans to figure out how to measure time. Early time pieces included the sundial and shadow clocks used by the Sumerian’s and the Egyptians. Then the Greeks came up with the water clock. Telling time made it possible through the ages to be able to plan activities like farming, sacred events, or anything else that was important.
Keeping time is one thing, but our perception of time is another. Lots of different factors like our age, mood and activities we are engaged in will give us different perceptions of time. IE: Time flies when you’re having fun. Time is an important commodity because we all run out of it. Our perception and the value of time are two critical elements to consider when it comes to planning our lives.
We all run out of time, so budget your time wisely. Moreover, we all have limited time and we need to budget it accordingly. How much time do we allocate to sleep, work, hobbies, relationships, education and other activities? The amount of time we allocated to certain activities will change over our lifetime. Possibly the biggest realization comes about age 40, this is when most of us develop our sense of mortality. Then we start to think more seriously about our lives and what we want to accomplish along with our quality of life now and in retirement goals.
Understandably, our mortality/death isn’t something we like to think about, and even if we do, we typically believe it isn’t near. Because of this perception of “I still have time,” often equals procrastinate. In 2020, less than 40% of Canadians had Wills because they felt they were too young to think about it.
The Relationship Between Time & Money
From a financial perspective time is money. In retirement, if you run out of money before death you are in a bit of a pickle. For the average person, time can be the biggest contributor to building wealth. Therefor, time can be more important than money from a financial perspective. Another way to consider the time/money concept is to ask yourself; Would you rather be young and broke, or old and wealthy? Most would give up wealth for time. For many, money becomes far less relevant to time as we age.
Understanding the relationship between time and money should be of high importance to all of us. With the Tycuda Group it is always front and centre because we often see the impact on people who have to find a way of making up for lost ground. The financial pieces that are important to understand about time and money are the following:
How To Buy Back Time
Getting good results can buy you back time. Knowing you own investments that will deliver the results you need can be as critical as the value of time. Underperforming assets rob you of time because you are forced to work longer to have the income you ultimately need or want. Learning the facts about investing is time well spent.
The comments and opinions expressed herein reflect the personal views of Miles Clyne. They may differ from the opinions of Leede Jones Gable Inc. and should not be considered representative of the research beliefs, opinions or recommendations of Leede Jones Gable Inc.
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