Your Time Has Come - Essence
Richard Mabe
I am a Project Management Professional and Life Coach; a powerful toolset ensuring a client's success combining the two into a robust model applicable to Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitor/Control and Closeout.
Since the beginning of your life in the eyes of Creation you have had a purpose. Before you were even planted in your mother's womb, your Essence was determined by you and the Creator in order that you may continue your evolution toward Creator on your own, in your flow of energy within the Devine Matrix. God, the Creator is your greatest mentor and companion on your journey to be as he is, by his own words. You were created in his/her/their own image. And you must live many lives in this and other flesh and bone temples housing your soul in order to learn the lessons you must learn to gain the knowledge and wisdom to be a Creator. WOW! I really said a mouthful didn't I? In this article I will touch just a little on why. Why It Is Your Time to bring God back into the picture. It may surprise you to know, it is not from a position of fear!
First, lets address the fear of God! For millennia we have been taught to fear God. God is destroying us all. God will judge you. God is watching you and us. To be worried that God will destroy us all because he is angry at his creation for not behaving according to his will, to his commandments is simply dumb. Here is why. Of course, it all began with Adam and Eve and their first sin for eating that forbidden fruit. When God created man in his image he must have surely intended for man to be able to think for himself. When Eve convinced Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, did God cause the end of creation? No, God caused Eve to have children, or so the story goes. But here is a very fundamental question. Did God never intend for Adam and Eve to pro-create when he planted Adam on the planet and then gave him Eve with one of Adam's ribs for companionship? And knowing humans as we do today, was there no love intention in God's creation? There are some very fundamental flaws in that story about fear, written by men in the Bible. God loved his creation and gave us dominion over the planet. We should not fear our creator, but love our Creator as he loves us. Why we were created is probably as easy as one of survival. Perhaps the creator was planting humans here to ensure the survival of his own species from his dying planet somewhere else in the universe. I, as a free thinking man, choose to believe that man was put here to pro-create and spread around the world and to live a life in the image of our Creator to ensure the survival of his species. This is why it is time for us to allow God a place at our table. I would also like to add that you chose to be here.
Now, lets talk about our behavior. The Ten Commandments are what seem to me to be very basic rules of behavior that ensure a peaceful existence for millions and billions of people to get along. When God gave man free will and the ability to think, did he not know, in his great and wonderful wisdom that man would figure things out? Did he not know that with free will comes the opportunity for things to go very badly? If there is one thing we should all know by now it is the law of balance. When there is a goes in, there is a goes out. When there is light, there is dark, when there is right, there is wrong, yin and yang, good and evil, etc. And when the commandments were given, were they not given out of love? First of all, a coach does not show his team the rules of the game so that they can lose the game. It is so they can win at the game by working within certain rules. Knowing the nature of free-will, the Ten Commandments certainly help us to avoid going off a cliff when making decisions. Yet, somehow, we seem to have taken a left turn and removed the basic decency of human essence from the equation of behavior within our species. Sexual Mutation and genital mutilation, Adultery, Murder, Theft, Gluttony, Lying, Disrespect, Tyranny, etc seem to be the norm of today. I know, I know! You believe you have awakened to a new truth, your truth. But ask yourself, this. "Does my inner-self speak up and say to me, job well done, everything is as it should be." Do you not think that maybe the Time Has Come to rethink your behavior?
Next, lets take a look at you being here, now at this time, in this body. Did you know, you are here to fulfill a purpose, what I call Essence? This is one more lesson on your journey to full creator in the Devine Matrix, or at the very least a fulfillment enough to where you feel no need to come back in human form. The point I am making is that for many of us our purpose has been hidden from us. Perhaps this is a lesson we all are learning about trust and what can happen when we allow our inner child, our inner Essence to be quieted and subdued into a numb state where we allow ourselves to be led. Do you have a yearning for something more inside you? Maybe you have a great job, house, car, family, but there is something inside you trying to get out. Or maybe you are poor and homeless with no hope for a future because you have given up on finding what you are supposed to do here. Or maybe you are somewhere in the middle. For many of us, we have been told what we need to do to be of value to society. We are told what school to attend, what church to go to. We are told that we must do what our family has always done. We can't do a certain thing because we are told it is no way to make a living. Have you been down that road? All of this leads you away from your purpose, your Essence, that which you were created to perform. Remember, at the beginning of this article I made a statement. The statement was that before you were even planted in your mother's womb, you and the Creator worked together to decide what you will do in the next lifetime. So, what happened, why are you not fulfilling that Essence? Because you have been fooled by your environment and the little devil inside, the other side of right, wrong. The other side of success is failure. The other side of honesty, dishonesty. You have been hoodwinked my friend. Its really not your fault. What is the easiest way to control the masses? Fear and Emotion. You are being controlled. But Your Time Has Come. It is Your Time to Be The Change!
So, what can you do to regain loss ground and realize your Essence, your purpose? Listen, I do believe in God and if you don't that's okay. But I am a man of some experience, knowledge and some wisdom and when I receive messages from up there, I do listen. And I received a message many years ago, a message of H.O.P.E. I was given a command to share H.O.P.E. with anyone who will listen and if you are reading this article, you must have some interest. I wrote a book, HOPE Your Essence Navigation System, by Richard Mabe, available on Amazon. But here is something you can do right now.
1) Honestly assess where you are in this life of yours.
2) Believe in your Omnipotence, your God-like power
3) Accept the responsibility and hold yourself accountable for the decisions you make.
4) Love Purely without judgement or expectation, simply love all.
5) When you do those things, your Essence will be achieved and you will know what God created you to do.
6) If you need help with any of that formula, H.O.P.E., reach out to me at [email protected] and we will chat. Or follow me on LinkedIn.
"God Bless The Broken Road That Led Me Straight To You!" Rascal Flats
I specialize in facilitating discussion by bringing like-minded people together to create real impact | Amazon New Release Best Seller | Walking the Path - A Leader's Journey | GoFundMe
2 年Interesting proposition.
★ Equipping YOU To Lead The Change You Want To See In YOUR Community ? Become The Leader Society Needs ★
2 年Well said! And I love the Rascal Flats song! The only way to take our world back from The Enemy is to answer the questions you pose - and then DO SOMETHING with what is learned!