Your Thoughts(Mindset) is like Cooking...

Your Thoughts(Mindset) is like Cooking...

1. The Hard Truth, Honesty

Your Thoughts(Mindset) is like Cooking

We accept the Normal as that what it is, Not that We can Actually Train it and Get better at it

Daily it’s Normal to Eat, we don’t appreciate the skill time and dedication it takes to improve it

Even though Everyone use those skills access to do it

Everybody eats daily, in all sorts of diets, quality levels & quantities

Some the best is eggs on toast, which might be a stretch so it’s either cereal, Maccas or Uber Eats

However Others have spent hours refining their craft, are world famous and extremely well known for their ability

Your thoughts can be changed and effects everything that you do, Not Just Your Diet

2. The Story you tell yourself, It can Change…

(Skip this if you Hate the FLUFF) BUT…

Humans Learn Best From Stories, So All Your Doing is Cheating Yourself

Everyone Now Know’ about Mindset and Mental Health/ Fitness

The random comments I have people say

“Yeah, I’m pretty stressed, something like that is probably valuable…”

“Yeah, I know all that stuff but…

“Yeah, But I’m Busy and I have Done all the courses and Read all the books”

Yet No ones does anything to invest the time or money to get better at it

Even if they do There Current Results haven’t changed, or changed to the Perspective that they want it too

We see people around us who struggle with it DAILY BUT…You tell Yourself

“Yeah, I’m not as Bad as that person, they probably need it More than I Do, I’m OK…”

We also see People ahead of where we want to be…You tell Yourself

“Yeah, Wow they must be something Special, that’s not me…They're just different…”

If your Not Bad and Your Not Great, Where the F%#k Are You???

Reality is Negotiable - This is written on the side of My Pocket Sized Journal I Have Carried with me since Novemeber. Every Thought, note, to do list Idea, diagram, has gone into this book.

I got the Idea off @askvinh on Insta - Vinh Giang

Seeing Reality is Negotiable Daily, Reminds me that I can Change My World DAILY.

There are great days and there are terrible days, EVERYONE EXPRIENCES THESE BUT…

EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS TRAINABLE - You Need to Work on Doing Work on it Each Day to Get Better at it.

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3. The Question?

What do your thoughts and Mindset currently look like, what is currently going into your body?

Would you feed this to a Kid who you care about?

What One thing would change in your Thoughts that would make the Biggest Differnce?

4. The Action

Say the One New thought Out loud to Yourself Every Single Day for the Next 7 Days, See what changes?

(Hot Chip; This legit will only take 5 Seconds a day, Do it Multiple Times a day if you feel like you want better Results, Or More Importantly aim for 100 days…PS 99% Wont make it past day 7)

5. The ASK

If you found value in the above and you’re a guy or know one that might find it valuable?

I have a Morning Workshop Sat 18th 10am -1pm

Breaking Your Bad Habit

Or Send Me a DM

Or If you've implemented this or last weeks, let me know How it went?



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