Your thoughts are important - Personal Power Mastery

Your thoughts are important - Personal Power Mastery

Too often people dismiss the power of what they think about. Often they assume there is no consequence or power in whats going on in their mind and so they really don’t spend a lot f time monitoring their thoughts. Their feelings are that thoughts just happen and becuas ethey assume this casual stance they think thought has little consequence.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Your thoughts shape everything you experience in reality.

Your thoughts are the seeds of your experiences.

If you follow any significant activty or event in your life and you will be able to trace it back to a series of thoughts you invested in.

What you decide your reality will look like — that’s what it will be. What you look for and focus on will manifest itself in your life. When you expect good things good things appear. Your thoughts are the beginning of all powerful and great things in your life. (But they can also be the beginning or continuation of challenge too.) What you habitually think about comes about. #douglasvermeeren #personalPowermastery #howthoughtsbecomethings


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