Your Thoughts Determine Your Life
Michael E. Frisina, PhD, LTC(R) United States Army
Neuroscience human performance coach and Hamilton Award best selling author and book of the year, “Leading with Your Upper Brain - ACHE Faculty
The biblical parable of the prodigal son teaches many powerful life lessons regarding the concequences of our thinking, our choices, and our behavior. A key teaching point in this parable has direct implications to your personal growth, achievement, and leadership effectiveness.
The younger of two brothers demands that his father provide him the portion of his inheritance. This is an outlandish and unreasonable request given the culture of the day. The father complies and the younger son ventures off to a far country and quickly squanders his inheritance in lavish, wasteful, spending. Soon after he finds himself desitute and slopping hogs to merely survive. Now here is the key point of this parable, "But when he came to his senses ...." In the midst of his dispair, suddenly this foolish young man gets a good dose of self-awareness. Suddenly he has great clarity over the futility of his past behavior and he starts to think differently about himself, his choices, his current situation, and the liklihood of an improved set of living conditions. In short, with clear and honest self-awareness, he can begin thinking more effectively, and that change in thinking creates a different mindset, that propels him into more effective behavior that will change his life for the better.
So here is my point. Nothing in our lives changes until our thinking changes. Our thinking is the most powerful force in our lives that propels us to achievement or to failure. Our thinking determines everything, and I mean everything, regarding our behavior and choices that determine the outcomes of our lives. Nothing changes until our thinking changes and anything can change when our thinking changes. Self-awareness, clarity of thinking, and effective emotions, that reveal if you are thinking effectively, become the ideal ingredients for mixing a neurochemical cocktail that will change your life. That's worth thinking about today. *
(*These thoughts are captured in the introduction of my new manuscript that is in draft form and editing stages. My goal is to have the book out in published form in 2019. Seminars and workshops on how to become a behavior smart leader are already available and in multiple teaching venues around the country. For more information simply contact me at [email protected] or call 803-760-3519.)
Founder of the Quest Method I Speaker, Author and Advisor I Faculty American College of Healthcare Executives l What Kind of A Leader Are You? Click the LINK BELOW
6 年"Nothing changes until our thinking changes and anything can change when our thinking changes. " How true!
Chief, HTM
6 年I agree
Customer Focused???Systems Thinker???EQ???Servant & Clinical Leader???Quality Care???Registered Nurse???Medical Freedom???Process/Quality Improvement???Change Mgmt???Strategist???Teams???Skeptic???Perfectly Imperfect
6 年The best skill and talents in the world are laid to waste by people who choose to engage in their days with a negative attitude and mindset.
Founder of the Quest Method I Speaker, Author and Advisor I Faculty American College of Healthcare Executives l What Kind of A Leader Are You? Click the LINK BELOW
6 年Very true. You determine your station in life with your behavior skills.?
System Director Respiratory Care-Hospital Operations University of Cincinnati Medical Center
6 年Hi Mike. Happy New Year! I totally agree! I would take the best attitude versus the brightest mind any day!