Your thoughts create your personality

Your thoughts create your personality

What your thoughts say about your personality depends on the experiential knowledge and wisdom you have accumulated until now. Standing on experiential knowledge, you know more not only about you but also about the human beings as such. Otherwise, the spiritual authorities would not have any chance to suggest universally valid solutions. Confusions come with all new stages of Psychology because all those stages are actually nothing more than attempts to utilize new opportunities in scientific ?penetration“ inside the deeper and deeper (or smaller and smaller) structures of the brain, neurons… by new ways of scanning, measuring of the processes happening during the mental and emotional activities of human beings.

People′s own thoughts can say about their personalities nothing or many things… here the theory is not matching only the reality takes its place. This can be a reality of a heavily materialistic and primitive person or of a personality of the Buddhahood and everything and anything between those two poles. The thoughts in all cases say something about those personalities to themselves… Therefore, the etalon is not an idealistic picture / saying about a person. The etalon is the compassion. The only realistic and practical outcome of a person.

You have unconscious thoughts, emotions and behavioral tendencies of which you may never be fully aware. Perhaps they prompt certain urges or actions that you can't explain, or express themselves in your unconscious choice of certain words or ideas when thinking more consciously about something, or when communicating with someone else. They may evoke feelings that influence your attitudes about yourself and others.

They may be in reaction to experiences you had when you were a child, or from interactions with your family and peers over time, or because of experiences you had last week. And even though you aren't aware of these thoughts, emotions and tendencies, they contribute to how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you...they contribute to your "personality."

You also have thoughts which are part of your own consciously directed focus. These also contribute to how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you, because they influence how you act in a given situation, express yourself about certain topics or feelings, interact with others, etc. So these also contribute to your "personality."

There are also thoughts that are introduced into your own thinking by current interactions with friends, family, strangers you randomly meet, TV shows, movies, books, magazines, advertising, the sound bytes of politicians, radio talk shows, social media websites, YouTube, newscasts and so on. These thoughts did not originate from within you, and yet they may merge with your internal narrative and influence all of your other thoughts.

This process may happen consciously or unconsciously as well, and also contributes to how your "personality" expresses itself in a given timeframe, and how it changes over time. There also thoughts and emotional and behavioral tendencies that issue from different dimensions of your being. Thoughts, emotions and reflexes that may result from spiritual insights, or that reside in somatic memory, or that bubble up out of intuitive hunches, or that mysteriously generate out of your imagination (in dreams, creative aha's, etc.). These, too, influence the formation, evolution and expression of your "personality."

What you will notice here is that none of this is static - it is wildly interdependent, dynamic and emergent. And it is very difficult to tease apart what thoughts have fundamentally influenced our personality over time, what thoughts are expressions of the other fundamental influences on our personality I have just alluded to, what thoughts are adopted from our interactions with others and our environment, which conscious thoughts are merely echoes of unconscious patterns, and which thoughts issue from which dimensions of our being.

This is why practices like meditation, mindfulness, relaxation, and multidimensional self-care are so critical: it is only through a cultivated stillness, openness, balanced nurturing and reflection that we can fully appreciate the relationships between our thoughts, experiences, tendencies, emotions, environment, relationships and so on, and then appreciate how those relate to what we and others perceive to be our "personality."

They are all ingredients in a lovely soup...and we must learn how to carefully detect all the different flavors and cooking methods that are involved in the final result of any given moment. Basically our thoughts about yourself are invariably a story about yourself. Complex and subtle topics can't be well capture in something as limited as thought. We have aspects of ourselves we won't look at or resist, the "shadow". These aspects don't compute in the story.


