Your thoughts control your life
Marion Nixon
I help ambitious business women ditch the doubt and emotional baggage that sabotage achievement and build deep inner confidence so they can achieve their goals with impact - without feeling like an imposter.
Welcome to the 53rd edition issue of Mindset Transformation published on the 5th July 2024. I trust you enjoy reading it. I'd enjoy getting feedback from you so I can address topics relevant to you.
The purpose of this newsletter is to share my ideas, tips, and strategies on transforming your mindset that so you can transform your business and personal life.
'As a man thinks, so is he'. An ancient saying that is still true today. However, today we also know that you can change the way you think, and so change the way you live: what you do, the way you do things, and what you achieve.
Read how to do this in the article below.
Do you know that your thoughts control your brain?
This means that you can control your responses to events by choosing your thoughts. It might not seem easy as from early childhood your brain has learnt patterns of responses and will default to these. Have you said, ‘I always do that. That's just me’? That way of being is learnt behaviour and can be unlearnt. So if something always makes you nervous (like making a video) you can change that!
Step 1 is to become aware of your physical and emotional responses to situations. This is a very important step because you can’t change things you’re not aware of.
Step 2 is to notice your thoughts about the situation you’re reacting to. Not all of these will be clear so you may have to do some careful listening to hear what thoughts underlie your emotions.
Step 3 is to identify the beliefs hidden in those thoughts and to reprogramme them to support the response to the situation that you’d rather have.
For example: Filming a video makes you very nervous and flustered. To change that, you first need to acknowledge your nervousness and the effect it has on your performance. Then listen to the thoughts under your nervousness. Is your inner voice whispering things like ‘you don’t look good enough, or sound good enough, who are you to be doing this, you’ll forget what you want to say, no-one will listen to you’?
Where did it get this information? From the meaning you gave past experiences, but the good news is, you don’t need to know the origin in order to reprogramme those beliefs.?
Read my ebook Turn Your Inner Critic into a Supportive Fan to start reprogramming the messages your inner voice gives you.
And contact me for a free consultation on how to transform your mindset and control your thoughts (and become comfortable making videos!).
Transformation is easier than you think!
The importance of mindset is huge because what you think is what you become and achieve. Having transformed my life by transforming my perception of myself and what I can achieve, including becoming comfortable on video, I understand this profoundly.
That's why I'm excited to offer a free 30 minute online consultation to my subscribers. Whether you're struggling with a particular challenge or want to take your business to the next level by increasing your visibility, this consultation is a great opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance.
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