Your Teeth Are What You Eat
It’s a fact - eating sugar leads to tooth decay. When plaque, a sticky bacteria laden substance interacts with sugar acids it destroys the surface of your teeth. Keep the following foods in your diet and your dentist will say, “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”
Apples have a fibrous texture that stimulates gums and clean teeth.Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid) in the apple skin scrubs away plaque and removes stains. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are high in calcium and folic acid which builds tooth enamel. They also contain omega-3 fats, phosphorus and protein which can help fight gum disease. Lean proteins like poultry, fish, and eggs contain large amounts of protein which help strengthen teeth. Dairy products raise the mouth’s PH levels which reduces tooth decay. They contain protein and calcium which work together to strengthen tooth enamel. Root vegetables like carrots and celery are high in fiber and vitamins A and C which are beneficial to your gum health and scrape food particles from teeth. Chewing gum (sugar free of course) Gum chewing increases saliva flow, which can neutralize mouth acids, strengthen teeth and reduce decay. Gum also helps to release food particles that may be stuck to your teeth. Chocolate can be eaten then quickly washed away. So when the “sweet tooth” starts yelling, pop a square of dark chocolate. Candy, in addition to sugar damage sticky candies stick to teeth and cause damage well after they are eaten. Sour candy contains acids that are tougher on your teeth. Hard candies expose teeth to prolonged contact with sugar and may also cause teeth to chip when bitten into. Citrus Fruits (not all) contain acid that will break down tooth enamel. Rinse after eating. Soda causes cavities and many types contain citrus, which breaks down enamel. Alcohol contains sugar, dehydrates the body and decreases the flow of saliva that prevents food from sticking to your teeth.
Healthy food is great but nothing beats brushing for 2-minutes twice each day and flossing. And...see your dentist twice a year.