Are Your Teams Aligned With You?

Are Your Teams Aligned With You?

Whenever we talk about leadership communication and delegation, this is a question that comes up during our discussions with our clients - "Are your teams aligned with you?"

What this essentially means is that if your teams are aware of:

  1. What is your or your organization's vision and goal and can your team members articulate it exactly the same way you would?
  2. Are they able to relate to the goal that has been cascaded down to them?
  3. Are they in line with the vision of the organization?
  4. Are they aware of the strategies you have decided to achieve the goals?
  5. Are they able to work on these strategies and achieve the outcomes required?
  6. Do they know how what they are doing every day has an impact on the organization's goal?
  7. Do they know what they need to do to be able to achieve their goals if they are contributing to the organization's goal?
  8. Are you able to have a transparent system so everyone knows where they are in achieving the overall goal of the organization?
  9. Are you able to view the status of what is going on under each team in your organization with regard to their goals?
  10. Are the teams able to communicate back if they are facing any constraints in achieving these goals openly and without any hesitation?

These are some pertinent questions you may want to ask yourself and your teams.

If you are having a "No" as an answer to any of these 10 questions, maybe we can help you.

In our Leadership Coaching Program - "Become The Leader Your Team Can Die For", we manage this important and crucial area of leadership under the "Aligning & Empowering" Section.

This is where offer the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework with a tool that helps you measure all the above points.

If this interests you, feel free to connect by booking an appointment with me at - and we will explain you how this framework can be implemented for your organization.

#leadership #team #teamalignment #goalalignment #strategytoexecution #goalstrategyalignment #OKR #Objectives&KeyStrategies #organizationalgoals #effectivecommunication #effectivedelegation


