Are Your Teams Aligned With You?
Sindhuja Rai
Founder & CEO, Mpower | CEO Coach, Certified Leadership & Life Coach, Conflict Management Coach & Positive Culture Coach | We Help Leaders Double Their Team Performance, Working Half The Time!
Whenever we talk about leadership communication and delegation, this is a question that comes up during our discussions with our clients - "Are your teams aligned with you?"
What this essentially means is that if your teams are aware of:
These are some pertinent questions you may want to ask yourself and your teams.
If you are having a "No" as an answer to any of these 10 questions, maybe we can help you.
In our Leadership Coaching Program - "Become The Leader Your Team Can Die For", we manage this important and crucial area of leadership under the "Aligning & Empowering" Section.
This is where offer the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework with a tool that helps you measure all the above points.
If this interests you, feel free to connect by booking an appointment with me at - and we will explain you how this framework can be implemented for your organization.
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