Your team is hungry for this change
If you had to guess what 39% of employees are hungry to receive from their bosses, what would it be?
More time off? Better snacks? A raise?
According to Inc., the answer is...??
More constructive criticism.?
Not positive feedback, not encouragement, but?constructive?criticism.??
This is especially true for Generation Z. Here's why constructive criticism is so high on our team's wish list.
1.?Since Gen Z wants to be a part of developing the solution, they will need you to let them know if they are going in the right direction through consistent feedback...even if that feedback isn't always positive.?
2.?Gen Z is eager to learn and develop. In order to grow, they expect their leaders to coach them. Coaching is, by definition, training someone to obtain new skills. Learning necessitates failure. Let's make failure normal again.
3.?For Gen Z, the main goal of a job is making a difference. They're not afraid to get their hands dirty as long as their efforts are impactful. So, join them in the trenches by coaching them to make an impact. When they win, you win, and your organization wins.
Bottom line: caring for people means caring enough to speak up when your team is killing it?and?step into the hard conversations.?
Looking for a practical way to get started? Add an agenda item to your weekly 1:1 for "hard conversations" where you commit to bringing up any growth opportunities presented within the previous week.
This will help keep growth conversations front of mind and eventually become a natural, more frequently occurring, habit on your team.