Is Your Team Fit for Christmas Yet?
Tra la la la la, let's talk retail training.
Though Christmas is a traditional thing held near the very end of the year, in retail, preparations for it start mid-year already because it's such a busy shopping time of year. Amidst all the prep, one often-overlooked strategy is upskilling your staff.
There are a number of reasons for this, chief of which is being prepared for the rush. Mavericks may kick prep to the door and rely on instinct, while veterans will tell you that you can never be prepared enough.
No matter your leadership style in the business, the fact remains that your key staff do not have the years of experience you do. And while they may be veterans at their jobs and have seen many a Christmas come and go over the years, your Christmas casual staff have not.
These are the people who will be at the coal face every single day for extended periods of time over the festive period. Investing in their knowledge and skills makes good financial sense.
Why Upskill Your Christmas Casual Staff?
Given the enormous changes in retail over the past year alone, combined with challenging economic times, you're looking at a recipe for disaster when things heat up. One sure-fire way to mitigate the risk of a meltdown is to ensure that your retail staff are well-prepared to deal with all kinds of customer service situations, be that service recovery or sales scenarios.
So, how can you be sure your Christmas casual employees are ready to deliver their best for the festive sales season that lies ahead?
Strategies to Ensure Your Retail Staff Are Well-Prepared
Retail Doctor Group has been partnering with retailers for almost 20 years, building powerful, award-winning and sustainable businesses in the Australasian region. Our proven "Fit for Business?" modules form the basis of The Retail Doctor Academy and our experienced team will work with you to create tailored content for your business based on our knowledge and experience within your sector.
Over the years, we've seen our fair share of what makes retail tick. We've worked with retailers just like you who seek out expert advisory and consulting services to help them align themselves to benchmarks and best practices within their specific sectors. Our satisfied customers have - without exception - been able to meet or exceed customer expectations and grow loyalty in challenging times, no matter what season it is.
The Retail Doctor Academy provides online training, face to face workshops, coaching, and operational content to help retailers grow their business in challenging times.
Solid Advice to Get You Started on Your Festive Preparation
To ensure your staff are fully prepared for the Christmas season and beyond, reach out to Simon Neilson now:
? +61 2 9460 2882
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