Your team doesn't work for you, you work for them

Your team doesn't work for you, you work for them

when we are leaders everything falls n us, we must hold ourselves accountable, we make decisions, we stay disciplined, to make sure team is effective we keep out ego aside , we choose to follow and trust our team. In my practical experience, my favourite dialogue when some one calls is " what can I do for you today", help people do their jobs, we must help team so they are efficient, helping team means creating culture where they feel secured, safe and respected.

-You are in best position to unblock people.

-Encourage and reward people who defend their points of view

-Don't worry too much if your team is making mistakes as long as they are learning from them, actually I have observed a few few mistakes are very disastrous , bring a mindset of learning.

In Summary, make people feel you are behind them, you are there to stand by them during critical times, create a positive impact.


