Is your system tranquil?
The tranquility property is among those fundamental yet little known concepts in information security.
How often do we see security professionals manipulate security labels like children playing with Pokemon cards during recess? This application is “confidential”, that database is “secret”. But while these labels are shuffled around, do we assure the security of the system state transition? This is when strong and weak tranquility come into play…
Oftentimes, a heated debate is necessary to overcome the limitations of a well-established model in science. This is what happened in the 1980s when a contradictory debate between Bell and McLean on the limitations of the Bell-LaPadula model (and formal security models in general) gave birth to the formalization of the tranquility property.
And even though this research is decades old, it is a highly current theme, especially when considering cloud computing.
I hope this sparked your interest...
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