Is this your subconscious success blocker?

Is this your subconscious success blocker?

Have you ever dreamed so big that the thought of achieving it seemed almost impossible? You feel both exhilarated and terrified at the same time. You imagine life taking on a different shape, success looming large in your future, transformed relationships, and overcoming challenges that have held you back. But then something stops you – you doubt yourself, and your abilities, and you become overwhelmed by fear – fear of what could happen if you actually succeeded. Fear of success is a real phenomenon, but its root source is often unknown to us. So how can we break free of this self-imposed prison and take those courageous steps towards our inner power that will create lasting transformation? By uncovering and overcoming two major fears lurking beneath the surface: fear of failure and fear of success.

There are 2 major fears that hold us back from stepping into our inner power.

The first one is common but by practising conscious mindset work, one can learn to overcome the fear of failure, which is also often accompanied by fear of inadequacy or fear of judgement.

By creating awareness of your critical negative voice and learning to manage it one can shift into looking at challenges as opportunities for growth and expansion.

The latter however is a subconscious fear we are often not aware of and we have to dig deeper to really recognise it. So how does it transpire?

Ask yourself do I feel uncomfortable being seen? Or Standing in my authentic expression?

Do I self-sabotage myself at times by not putting my hand up, leaning into opportunities, speak up because I don’t want to come across as forward leading or powerful? Because I want to be liked by my peers and the image of powerful women might compromise this?

Ladies, it's time to redefine the notion of power. Too often we've internalized the stereotype that powerful women are not likable—assertive and self-advocating women are branded as aggressive, cold, or arrogant. But why should we accept this outdated assumption? Let's stop confining ourselves to rigid moulds of femininity and instead embrace our potential for leadership. Empowering ourselves and other women to take charge and ardently pursue success is not just a quality but a necessity in any successful business or career. It's time to take control and prove that strength, ambition, and resilience can be not only powerful but also highly desirable.

The work starts with us, with you.

The only ones who can break down the barriers of the likability bias women are facing are we, women.

So, let’s practice:

1.???Awareness, try to catch yourself when you are holding back your voice, knowledge or talent next time.

2.???Ask yourself what the underlying notion is. What belief is supporting it?

3.???Shift your BS and try something new, allow yourself to be seen, heard and to be powerful.


Start leading and pathing the path for others to follow.

Because really, you are most likely the one who is judging yourself the most in the situation.

Be true to yourself and show what you are made of. You are unique and it is your authentic strength and individual life experience that makes your contribution worthy to be heard and your success a necessity. Research has shown that diversity is the key to the productivity of teams and businesses.

Trust yourself is my last word.

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