Are your Students Standing Out from the Pack?
I saw this quote earlier,
It rang true on many levels. Over the last year, I’ve done a lot of work with schools, spending time with their students and working with them on positive career destinations. Some of the schools have done amazing work with their students, encouraging them to attend networking events with local business groups, arranging for people from industry to go into the college and do lectures and in one instance, the students organised their own speed networking event.
One school I worked with provided their year 6 pupils with a day’s workshop based around STEM careers and the students even had to put together a basic CV. The day helped the pupils see how their favourite subjects could shape their career choices.
Sadly, not all schools seem as committed to their students’ futures, but why? Is it simply that they don’t know where to start with offering the correct guidance? Is it yet another pressure on an already stretched teaching staff, who are expected to be all things to everyone?
That might be true, but the salient fact is that we need to be putting time and effort into creating the workforce of the future and making sure that students are work ready. They understand what a career involves, some jobs seem glamorous, but break them down and it might not be what you think it is. It might involve unsociable hours, working away from home, heavy lifting etc. The only way to help your students make the right choices for them is give them the tools they need to make informed choices.
10 years ago, jobs such as Social Media Manager, App Developer, Uber Driver, Driverless Car engineer and Drone Operators were unheard of. That means that in another 10 years, there’ll be a whole new raft of jobs that haven't been invented yet! We need to make sure that the next generation of work force are ready for whatever their careers throw at them.
Young people need to be empowered to make the right choice, to know what’s available to them and more importantly that there’s no limit on what they can achieve in their career.
But and here’s the but, if as a University, College or school, you aren’t willing to embrace the technology that can most benefit your students, then aren’t you doing them a disservice?
Your students deserve the chance to stand out from the pack and Be Spotted!
If you want to know more about how you can help your students achieve a positive career destination using the latest technology, then please contact us for a demo or we are holding a free conference aimed at education professionals about the digital impact on the future careers of your students. The conference takes place at Mansfield Town football club on 25th April between 9am and 1pm. If you’d like to attend, then please phone our office (01623) 287880.