Is this your story?

Is this your story?

Is this your story?

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  • She is an advisor
  • She is 55
  • She is married with two teenage kids
  • She lives in the suburbs
  • She drives a BMW
  • She has her own business
  • She is independent
  • She is intelligent
  • She makes her own money
  • She hands over her financial power to her husband
  • She is now financially disempowered

These are the invisible agreements; the roles partners play in a marriage.

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  • She hides her true financial power within her marriage.
  • There is a separate identity she prevails over the outside world and then there is the hidden part that says “I know what I really want to do” but doesn’t have the courage to do it.
  • She doesn’t rock the boat when it comes to having difficult financial conversations with her husband so she says NO to her wants/needs/desires and this continues throughout the marriage while the kids are growing up and it’s busy and she is young and can handle it.
  • She says to herself “When……. then I will………….” There are always conditions set on when she can have what she wants.

BUT it all changes once the kids are grown up and are gone, the dynamics have shifted and there is more space in her life.

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  • She is questioning her life now for the first time.
  • She finds the courage to break free and do what she truly wants to do for the first time.
  • When, when, when, when is it her turn?
  • When does the when come?
  • She says NO to staying small and taps into her desires.
  • She has had enough of saying NO to herself for too long.

I'm Tracey Sofra and I believe women should take control of their money and create the financial independence they deserve to live a life of choice.

If you are ready to take the next step in your journey to living a life of choice take the Financial Confidence Quiz and find out how you score to move forward in your financial life.

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Tracey Sofra is Australia’s leading Financial Advisor specialising in Women’s Financial Confidence. As a Business Leader, Mentor, Financial Advisor, Author, Speaker, and Mum, for over three decades Tracey has shared her proven method for shifting mindsets and the limits to financial success for thousands of women. Her passion around financial freedom is infectious leaving you inspired to challenge the status quo, build confidence and create change. To enquire about her working with you or your organisation please contact us?at?[email protected]


