Your Story is Key!!!!
Doug Wright
"Survivor of Head-On Collision Empowers High Achievers: Never Give Up on Your Dreams, Purpose, and Determination to Succeed"
If you take failure to personally we associate failure as being a bigger story than what it has to be. We beat ourselves up about not being good enough. This is our mind playing tricks on us, if you keep on telling yourself that you are not good enough you will start to believe it.
What would it mean to you if you can get past the story that you are not good enough, start believing that you are good enough. Are these stories factual or are they you’re believe system? Start separating your story from the facts. Write the fact’s down, read them over and over again, not the limiting belief system that you may have been told by someone.
When you have uncovered your story, you will come to realise that it is just a story, and a story can be re written with a more positive outcome. Take risks, learn from your mistakes.
List down the key points to your story.
Do YOU want to learn how to uncover YOUR story?????