Your story, your business, your success
Darieth Chisolm
Emmy Award Winning TV Host, Public Speaking and Storytelling Coach, Author, Filmmaker
I was just on the phone this morning with a coaching client, Francis, reminding her that she doesn't have to tell 99 stories in order to have her customers fall in love with her and her products. (She has an awesome online hair care line and an interesting story, that has nothing to do with hair.)
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She told me "Darieth, you're right, once you helped me craft my signature story and my story brand, my customers had more reasons to support my business, they feel like they know me, trust me and want to do business with me!"
Sounds cliche' right? But it's true.
What makes her or you for that matter standout in the crowded marketplace?
Your story.
It's been about a year working together and Francis, has doubled her sales!
She is speaking at events about women in business and is selling more products from the stage than through her Facebook ads.
You see for Francis; and for so many other people, the business of storytelling is all about developing a marketing and publicity plan around her story, not just her products.
It's all about using storytelling in your marketing, branding and on stages and at live events to grow your business.
The key is leveraging public speaking as a way to get in front of your ideal clients and customers.
Join me Tonight Wed. August 21st, I'm doing a very special LIVE training at 8pm EST.
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