Your step-by-step guide to integration
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Open is a strategic and creative agency that brings people together to change the world.
Smashing the silos is Open’s first book which will be released on 14th March as a free resource for the charity sector. Here Creative Strategy Director and author of the book, Amy Hutchings , provides an introduction to the challenges of silos, how integration can help charities achieve more, and how to break down charity silos.
The silo problem
Fundraising these days isn’t easy.
Channels have changed. Audience behaviours have changed. Post pandemic, the world has changed. There used to be more ‘knowns’ that fundraisers and charity marketers could rely on but, these days, our fundraising programmes are more nuanced and complex than ever.
And there’s no one size fits all solution. What works for one charity bombs spectacularly for another.
Add to this a range of national and international emergencies, increased sector regulation and years of political and economic uncertainty.?
But amid all of these obstacles that we can’t change, there is one thing that we do have the power to overcome.
Silos are the bane of our sector.?
Some of the biggest and most impactful charities in our sector are held back by their teams not working together effectively.
Fundraisers, campaigners, brand marketers and programmes staff are all too often working separately, with separate objectives, budgets, creative and products.
For most of us who work at a charity, the mission is never far from our minds. Driving each different part of the organisation is the same, all important, reason for being.
And yet, day to day it can feel like we are working in competition. The product or channel or audience that we’re individually responsible for becomes our sole focus.
Opportunities are missed and conflicts arise.
The result is, we’re not giving people the best supporter experience. There is a huge amount of value being lost to the sector through poor journeys, disconnected messaging and a lack of cross-sell.?
We’ve lived with silos for long enough. It’s time to work differently. To integrate, and speak louder and clearer by focusing and concentrating our efforts.
If we can smash the silos that hold us back, there’s no end to what our sector can achieve – and the key to that is integration.
What is integration?
Integration is what happens when the different marketing functions at a charity work together.
We sometimes refer to things working ‘in concert’ with one another and this is quite a helpful analogy. No one wants to listen to a choir who are each singing from different hymn sheets. In fact, with each section taking up a different tune, it would be very hard to make out any individual message.
But bring those voices together, and they become glorious, inspiring and impactful.
So when we talk about integration at an organisation, we’re talking about their different teams speaking with one voice, to a distinct audience with a clear and consistent message.
We do it to achieve a ‘halo’ effect – something greater than the sum of our parts. Appeals or campaigns are a primary place where this happens and make a great first step towards longer-term integration.?
The funny thing about integration is that outside of our sector, it’s not so radical. A brand markets itself and plans both awareness and a certain amount of direct response, to convert that awareness.
Outside of our sector, that’s just marketing. But hungry for break-even ROIs, and with less revenue reinvested in marketing, charities have to lean far more heavily on direct response in their marketing.
Smashing silos with campaigns
In Smashing the Silos we walk you through integrated campaign planning step by step.
By campaigns we mean appeals, or peaks in marketing and fundraising activity, because they are a great way to push into more integrated ways of working, and set yourselves up for the long term.?
We’ve worked with dozens of organisations to take the first step into integration as a permanent way for working, through an initial campaign. They give you specific focus, a deadline, and help to break you out of ‘business as usual’. They talk about a thing (not everything) so by their nature force you to come to a consensus. They often get the lion’s share of paid media investment, which helps to make the case for integration.
However, the advice in this guide is by no means limited to those campaign moments and longer-term integration at a strategic level should be the aim.
The book refers to a range of examples, mostly from charities with significant budgets. But there are many principles within this guide that can be applied to charities of all sizes.
Smashing the Silos will be released on 14th March by Open - you can attend the online launch, and receive a copy of the eBook, by registering for free on our website.