Are Your Standards Too Low?

Are Your Standards Too Low?

Letting anyone who breathed be a part of my inner circle.
Apologizing for taking up too much space.
A messy financial world.
Eating stale donuts because I was bored.
Dressing like a homeless person at home.

These are just a few of the many ways I had set the bar way too low in my life.

One day, during my Cheetohs incident, I was fed up. The cheesy fingers were no longer cute or tasty. It was time for me to put on my big girl bloomers and up my standards.

I wish I could tell you that this was an overnight success story, but the truth is I'm still doing it.

The good Lord knew what he was doing when he gifted me with my maiden name of Rising, because that's what I'm continuously doing.

A few months ago, I realized that I had been neglecting a very important part of my world: my investments. With accounts strung all over China and back (and y'all know that China and investments aren't two words to put together right now), I had set the bar low.

I could no longer tolerate that nagging feeling that I get when I know that I'm not living up to my desired standard. That's the feeling that eats away at you at night.

So, I took one step (because that's all it takes to start upping the quality of your life) and called a financial advisor. Within 3 days, we had two meetings and my accounts are in the process of being tidied and tended to, the way we should care for our things.

I continue to assess where I've lowered my standards (or maybe never raised them in the first place) and ask of myself (out of love) to step it up!

A lady's standards should be higher than her heels (and my Louboutins are pretty high).

CLICK TO TWEET this: A lady's standards should be higher than her heels.

Where do you need to elevate your standards? And what's one small step you'll take today to do it?

That first step often feels like the hardest, but that's how you change your life, one thought, decision and action at a time.

Rick Holloway

Investor CEO at Infinity Success Systems

9 年

Congratulations on raising your bar for your standards. I know happiness was found right after your decision.



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