Is your small business IT the best it can be???
TOR Mackenzie
Simplifying IT support to remove confusion and improve communication. Increasing IT security & productivity, saving you time & money.
Is your IT doing what you need it to do?
When IT isn’t doing what you need it to do – quickly enough, it drives people crazy, but which one of these, best describes your response?
Whichever one you picked – on average slow computers are wasting 2 ? weeks per person per year and I bet you can think of a better way to spend 2 ? weeks?
You need your business to run efficiently and effectively to maximise profit.?
Removing IT frustrations is key to this.
You want your employees to complete their work with ease.?
You know happy staff keep your customers happy too.?
This all links into profit doesn’t it.
But what if your IT is causing issues??The overwhelm, the confusion and the panic can often mean that it’s hard to know where to start to make improvements.?
Start with:?“What is your biggest IT issue?” – “Resolving which IT issue will have the most positive impact on my business?” Make a note and see which of the below helps most.
If you need some pointers or help, book a call
Top tips to stop bad IT ruining small businesses
Backup the most important data to ensure your systems don’t let you down and you’re not paying for more storage than is necessary.
To work out what to backup, simply consider what you would need to restore in the event of losing access to your data (for whatever reason).
Having a backup is not enough – you need to know it includes the right data and how to restore it should you ever need to.
Identify other key areas where IT could be wasting TIME and MONEY in your business with our latest blog: IT Security
To remove obstacles for your IT to perform at its best book a 9-point IT MOT. It’s the easiest first step to removing IT obstacles and frustrations.
Tor's Tips
Turn off notifications for things that distract you that don’t need your immediate attention
On average people receive between 100 – 120 emails per day so if you get a notification each time, you are being disturbed over 100 times per day or every 3-4 minutes.
When was the last time an email was *that* urgent?
See screen shot below. In Outlook, click on File (top left), then Options (at the bottom) and then the Mail tab (top left). Go to the Message Arrival section and untick any that you don’t want.
Joke of the Month
If you want to see more of our famous (perhaps that should be infamous) jokes, please follow #ITjokes or check out LinkedIn on a Monday.
If IT confuses you, you’re not alone – a recent testimonial from a client stated:
“Since first meeting Tor whilst networking I have used her company's services consistently to provide a reliable IT service without all the normal techy speak and at a rate which doesn't break the bank every time you pick up the phone to them.”
Let us smooth the way...
Get your IT performing at its absolute best by removing all those obstacles and frustrations.
Ready when you are!
All the best, Tor