Is your Skills Reporting ready to be submitted?
What is skills development reporting?
Skills development is the training of people whether they are employed, unemployed, full-time students, part-time students, or learners.
Businesses with a salary bill in excess of R500,000-00 per annum are required to ensure that they are registered with the respective industry SETA as per the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998.
There is a compulsory payment each month of 1% of an employee’s salary which is raised on your EMP201 and due for payment with your PAYE and UIF by the 7th of the following month.?This means that your company can claim back some of these paid funds annually through submission of your Work Skills Plan (“WSP”) and Annual Training Report (“ATR”).
This is your money, and it must work for your Business towards upskilling of staff in order to make sure that they add value to your business bottom-line.
What do you need to do to get some of your funds back?
Each company needs to report on the training that has been provided to the employees during the year and or the period of 01 April till 30 March of the following year. ??This includes any in-house training such as on the job training, orientation, etc.?
Employers can claim mandatory grants, discretionary grants, get interns, have leadership programmes, etc. with training that is being done internally and externally.
How can a company determine the skills needs?
A skills gap audit would need to be done, to determine what skills are lacking within the workplace. The type of training would be dependent on what the audit is showing on required skills that is lacking within the workplace.
Some would only need a short course in the current role that they are performing which would mean that the employee would get a refresher or a quick course that provides them with the needed skill update available within the market.
Some employees would need a more formal training which would be an accredited course through a tertiary institution whether it is a full-time, part-time or combination course depending on the workplace need.
What happens when an employee is receiving training only to leave the company for a better position or greener pastures?
In order to safeguard the company against situations where the company is only being used to further someone’s career, a work back agreement can be put in place between the employee and the employer making sure that should this be the case the company will be able to recuperate the expenditure from the individual in question.
Should your company be in need of a skills audit, assistance with the compilation of the WSP and ATR and or in need of the reporting, do not hesitate to give us a call at 010?054 5111 or email us at [email protected] or [email protected].?