Your Silent Legacy
Wikipedia describes the ripple effect like this: “A ripple effect is a situation where, like the ever expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally.”
What happens is one act, say dropping a pebble in the water, creates other reactions. Think about the whole “pay it forward” movement. The idea is when something nice is done for you, rather than reciprocate to the person who gave to you, you then give to another with the same idea in mind. It’s a ripple effect of random acts of kindness. The one act continues, and will do so infinitely, without the originator ever knowing all of the lasting results.
One of the things our ego convinces us of, though, is that we have to get credit for our good deeds. I heard years ago that the highest level of service is when they never know who it came from. It doesn’t matter. Now, as humans, we want credit because we actually think that is does matter, but let’s take a look at the energetics of it all.
This is a vibrational Universe, meaning everything is made up of energy. Now, you don’t have to understand that, or even know how it works, just look at the fact that when you do something to be of service to another you benefit, they benefit, and the world as a whole benefits.
In A Course In Miracles, it states – “All expressions of love are maximal. Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation.”
Every single person that you help along their path, will probably help others with what they received from you. Even if it’s just the fact that they shine their light a little brighter, it will affect everyone they run across in their life.
Not only is this a beautiful ripple effect, I call it my “silent legacy.” IF I help you and then you use that to help another, I may never get credit for it, (not here in this world anyway,) but it doesn’t matter. That energetic ripple comes back to me in ways I can never imagine. I don’t have to know because God, the Universe, whatever you call it knows… and that’s all that really matters.
You are part of my “silent legacy.” I may not know you personally, I don’t have to. I will never know if, when or how I touched your heart, I don’t have to. It is my part in the equation to give what I have to give from a full heart and without telling the Universe how it “has” to come back to me.
Service professionals often struggle with how to look at all of this from both the practical and spiritual perspective. What about serving, and charging, and money?
Think about the fact that probably over 90% of what we do is for free. Our marketing consists of giving. We create ebooks, and webinars, do phone calls and workshops and lots of things for nothing monetarily…because, we know that it will help those who don’t have the funds yet to work with us, while also reaching those who do.
Think about this, money is just energy. It’s just a thought, an idea, something we came up with as a means of exchange. When you have the funds and you hire someone, you are actually helping them to continue to be of service to those not quite as fortunate as you…yet. Can you see how all of this is connected? Support those that you believe are doing good in this world, and they get to continue. It will come back to you, it has to, it’s Universal Law.
Create your “silent legacy” without dictating how it has to look or how you get credit for it. Trust…the Universe always has your back!
~Sharon Hess