Your Sign To Invest More In The User-Friendliness Of Your Custom Website
Over all these years, several debates have sufficiently convinced owners and managers of the benefits of having custom and unique websites if nothing else. Surely, this long debate on the value businesses derive from websites has resulted in many big and small startups having their own social presence.?
Despite this, many owners complain about their brand’s inability to experience a significant growth even after they have a website all up and running. Today, we’ll tell you a major reason behind why some business websites fail.?
No, it isn’t about the visuals or load time as you might have expected. Rather its more about the visitors leaving the site unexplored because of their inability to understand the mechanics of its navigation.
Yes! A website that is not user-friendly and has not been developed with the basics of UX in mind is bound to fail one day. And before that happens, it is best that you invest in the best developer and tools to ensure the user-friendliness of your business’s site.?
Below, we are going to share some major reasons behind why it is important to invest in custom-designed sites that offer user-friendliness too. But, before that, let us overview a bit of information regarding what makes a site user-friendly.?
Traits Of A User-friendly Website
There are some specific characteristics to a site that make it user friendly and easy to navigate. Below, we are listing some of these characteristics so you can evaluate your site against these traits and be a better judge of your site:
Now, if your website is missing out of even a few of these, we suggest you invest some resources and get all these user-friendly features integrated to your site.?
Right now, you’re definitely contemplating the need to spend your profits on something that you didn’t even notice before today, right? Well, read on to see why such user-friendly features in a website are more than important and you’d be convinced enough to invest more in your website right away!
Reasons You Need To Invest In The User-Friendliness Of Your Website
Without further ado, let us dive in to the reasons why a website built with user-friendliness in mind is very beneficial and important to the growth of your brand.
?Increased Web-traffic And Conversions
People generally don’t like navigating, let alone buying from, a website that is not easy to use and understand. A study conducted on American’s perceptions of brands having poor websites revealed that people really don’t like buying from a brand that has a hard to use website or app.?
Once people arrive at a site that is easy to use with all the amazing features, it gets easier for them to like the brand and invest their time exploring it further. This not only increases visits to your website but also makes it easier for people to trust your brand and find it authentic enough to invest in it.
Better Google Ranking
A user-friendly website is mobile compatible too and this mobile compatibility is what can give your website a spot on the first page of google search results. Only a fraction of users would ever go beyond the first page of search results whenever they are finding something.
Considering this, your website’s mobile friendliness is surely going to give it a better place on Google, thereby helping you achieve more customers.
Better Brand Reputation?
This is very easy to understand. The lesser time it takes for your website to load, the better people would find it. The more user-friendly your website gets, the easier it is for the people to see how your brand is putting in efforts in different aspects of business and marketing.
All such small details really matter in the long run. These details help people trust your credibility and hard work and make your brand seem legit.
Multiple Sales
Now, this is a very interesting way to promote your new products and boost your profits.
When people visit a user-friendly site to buy something, the ease of navigation often forces them to checkout other pages and products being offered by the brand too.?
This random act of checking out a brand’s new offers and products can often lead people to add more products in the cart than they actually intended to.
This definitely means more sales and also means that your new products and services can easily get noticed. What else does a brand needs?
Satisfied First-timer Experiences
Consider yourself as a buyer, buying something from a brand that seems legit but you’ve had no experiences with.?
You surely get second thoughts about your purchase decisions when buying a product from them. Naturally, questions like ‘what if this product isn’t the right fit for me’ and ‘would I be able to return this product later’, pop up in your mind.
Now, if this website has a clear and easily accessible option of Live chat or Requesting returns, you can make the same purchase very easily and without any fear.?
This is what a good website can do for your customers. It eliminates the ifs and buts from your first- time buyers’ minds and can help them keep their calm when purchasing anything from you. ultimately, this helps your business grow and flourish.
Final Words!
So, now that you know why it is important to invest in custom-designed sites, we are positive that you’d consider integrating the same features in your site too. Right? After all, it is about improving your brand’s reputation and profits while achieving better profit targets.
So, hire a good developer and start discussing these details before its too late! All the best with your new, user-friendly site. We are sure you’re going to rock it!?