Your September?fix: 7 AWS mistakes you don't want to make

Your September?fix: 7 AWS mistakes you don't want to make

It's back-to-school season, but here at CloudFix, the learning never stops. This month, we're excited to share new Fixer blogs, marquee guests on the AWS Made Easy livestream, foundational guides to the most important AWS services and more. Plus, catch?Rahul's latest webinar to learn how you can reduce AWS costs in time for your next bill.?

On-demand webinar

Reduce your AWS costs right now

Optimizing AWS costs doesn't have to take months (or years!) In this on-demand webinar, CloudFix CEO Rahul Subramaniam shares his proven techniques to cut AWS costs quickly and easily.

Watch the webinar

Your AWS savings assessment

15 minutes. Millions in AWS savings.

Curious about CloudFix? It's fast and easy to find out how much you can save. Take our free, secure savings assessment to discover precisely how much CloudFix can save your organization. In just 15 minutes, you'll be on the express route to savings.

Uncover your savings

AWS Made Easy livestream

Questions about AWS? Ask the experts.?

It's a big month for our interactive weekly livestream, AWS Made Easy. With exciting new announcements, deep dives into the hottest AWS topics, and our best guests yet, AWS Made Easy is your destination for AWS answers. Join us every Tuesday at 12pm ET on LinkedIn or watch previous streams on our website.?

Check out AWS Made Easy


Catch up on season 2 of AWS Insiders

All 10 episodes of the #1 podcast for AWS practitioners are now available! With guests from companies like Formula One, Moderna, 37Signals, IBM, and of course, AWS, you'll hear the most fascinating stories, liveliest debates, and deepest insider insights into all things AWS.

Listen now

From our blog

Your definitive guides to CloudWatch, AWS Systems Manager, and the CUR

Whether you're just getting started with AWS or you're an old pro, check out our recent Foundation blogs. These comprehensive guides include everything you need to know to build a strong foundation for AWS cost optimization.

Browse the blog


7 common mistakes that lead to overspending

?We call it the "FinOps smell": the telltale patterns we find when we analyze AWS usage and something's not quite right. Read Rahul's latest article to discover seven reasons companies often overspend on AWS - and what to do instead.

Read the article



